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Mystic pokemon make it miserable

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Mystic pokemon make the experience of playing the season Battle tower miserable. I can usually get past most of the battles using at most 3 pokemon. When mystics show up, this number goes up to 4-5. Which means it doesn't really increase the difficulty, doesn't make it a challenge, it's merely an inconvenience. I don't have to carefully strategize which pokemon should fight each opposing pokemon, I don't have to modify my team to cover for a certain type. I don't even need to use my entire team.
The problem is that facing such inconveniences too often is simply frustrating.
Don't get me wrong, I abuse the 25% extra damage that Dark pokemon provide to be able to OHKO anything in my way (main reason why the battles are not that difficult), and for that reason I think it's OK that Mystic pokemon are an option out there. But I can't help but feel like having the chance of something happening is kind of a cheap strategy when compared to taking the 25% bonus guaranteed.
Games that rely on %s are in a tricky spot. Even if it's a feature of the game itself available to the player to use if he so desires, it can easily make the player feel cheated. Example: The frequency of instances in which my pokemon miss 4 turns in a row is not compatible to what the 25% chance to miss would suggest.
I remember Patrick mentioning when the battle tower was introduced that the future plan was for each battle to have a chance of giving certain rewards and that it eventually replace the sidequests.
This current event is interesting and I hope is a step in that direction (as it seems) cause I feel like some extra incentives would do wonders to my willingness to keep battling in the tower after a few battles being BS'd by pesky Mystic pokemon.

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