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Pokémon Vortex

Different coloured backgrounds

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An idea that I think would be useful to the game is being able to choose what colour background you'd like to use while playing the game. Alot of the time I train during the night so a dark background would come in handy.

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I would like that option too.

I THINK you can use browser tools (extensions) to make it a little bit better for Your eyes. I said 'I think' cause I am pretty sure I saw Patrick writing that 

it is not forbidden when someone asked for that.

You can set brightness (in extension, not in your screen) on very low even in day time and its still easy to see buttons you need to click cause it doesnt affect cursor right. Whats more buttons are red and background white so contrast does job here.










And as I said its not like You wont see anything cause of low brightness cause cursor is still not affected and buttons are really visible + I guess most of people remember where they are. :)

Theres a lot of other extensions that can change background on black too but most of them affect buttons too or just destroy entire site making it look weird so.

Edited by Versus
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