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  1. Patrick's post in No aparece el pokemon de la promo code was marked as the answer   
    Hola, parece que compraste el artículo Aerodactylite, no el Pokémon Aerodactyl.
    Auction: https://www.pokemon-vortex.com/pokebay/auction/2753384
  2. Patrick's post in List of questions for this was marked as the answer   
    1. In trainer battles they do, yes. They have not yet been implemented to wild battles.
    2. https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Map_Encounter_Rates
    3. Same link ^
    4. Nothing can be done to improve odds of certain things appearing so no, there's no shiny hunting methods.
    5. No.
    6. Yes.
  3. Patrick's post in Question about Kanghaskhan's stone was marked as the answer   
    Kanto sidequests or you can buy it from other players on PokéBay.
  4. Patrick's post in Can I? was marked as the answer   
    No, those forums are for people who can't speak English, it's not a place for you to post the same thing in another section in another language.
  5. Patrick's post in Bought promo codes not working was marked as the answer   
    This was a temporary bug that has been fixed and your promo codes should now appear as usual and able to be redeemed.
  6. Patrick's post in spitirs was marked as the answer   
    It's very unlikely that will happen.
  7. Patrick's post in recuperar código de promoción was marked as the answer   
    Si lo dejó en su inventario durante demasiado tiempo, es posible que haya expirado y ya no se pueda usar.
    Los códigos caducados no aparecerán en su inventario.
    Si presionó canjear, su cuenta fue acreditada con el contenido del código.
  8. Patrick's post in Arceus (Unknown) was marked as the answer   
    Yes, Arceus (Unknown) can still be won from the lottery.
    This wiki article explains everything you need to know about lottery cycles: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Lottery
  9. Patrick's post in Recovery of an old account was marked as the answer   
    This isn't the place to ask about things like this. Join our Discord and speak to one of the following people if they are online:

  10. Patrick's post in battle stuff was marked as the answer   
    Nobody can actually answer you with any certainty about future updates so what you're looking for is to submit ideas and/or feedback which you can do here:
  11. Patrick's post in notification and friend chat pannel was marked as the answer   
    Your browser needs a recache - https://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/home/
  12. Patrick's post in Discord Verification was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately we will not be able to make exceptions for individual people where the Discord verification level is concerned. It applies to all or none, we have no control over it other than to enable or disable it which cannot be done user by user.
    Verifying your account is a one-time thing so could you not use someone else's phone briefly? Family member or friend?
  13. Patrick's post in Question about order issue was marked as the answer   
    It should be sorted for you now.
  14. Patrick's post in Discord Ban was marked as the answer   
    That name is not on the ban list so you aren't banned. Maybe you're not using a valid invite link:
  15. Patrick's post in Payment Getting Declined At the Store was marked as the answer   
    It seems in your particular case it is a country restriction.
    Unfortunately due to high levels of fraud, certain countries are not allowed to purchase from the Vortex store.
  16. Patrick's post in Community reputation was marked as the answer   
    It was removed because most of your reputation received was given to by another account of your own.
    This is not allowed.
    While you are allowed multiple game accounts, you have no reason or need to be using multiple forum accounts for posting or reputation giving.
  17. Patrick's post in Message Box was marked as the answer   
    This is a known bug that has already been reported. It is being looked in to for a fix.
  18. Patrick's post in Ajuda ^-^ was marked as the answer   
  19. Patrick's post in Pokerus was marked as the answer   
    You need to battle against other infected Pokémon to keep the infection on your own Pokémon.
    Battling against uninfected or cured Pokémon will not work.
  20. Patrick's post in account sell was marked as the answer   
    Yes and no. You are free to give away accounts if you want to but it cannot be advertised anywhere on Pokémon Vortex.
  21. Patrick's post in Drag Screenshot was marked as the answer   
    We don't support file uploads on these forums. You will need to post your images on external picture hosting websites such as imgur and then paste the link in your post.
  22. Patrick's post in Time zone messages was marked as the answer   
    You selected your time zone when you created your account.

    If you picked the incorrect one, come and speak to me on Discord
  23. Patrick's post in pokedollars was marked as the answer   
    Yes, when the auction ends at the time specified based on how long you set the auction to last.
  24. Patrick's post in Id required was marked as the answer   
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