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Status Replies posted by devaharish

  1. Might as well call this the Zapdos event AmIRight?? imma wonder trade one away, maybe itll give me good luck

    1. devaharish


      @JaymzIsUS same here passed one mettalic rotom pokedex. :| need to search again for 1 hr to get another...

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  2. Might as well call this the Zapdos event AmIRight?? imma wonder trade one away, maybe itll give me good luck

    1. devaharish


      hey @JaymzIsUS true man there are more Zapdos and Pidgeotto


      btw did u catch any ??

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hey guys i have transferred all my Pokemon's to my friend @devaharish account okay i am leaving this game because of some problems anyways i had a great time here hope you would show the same friendliness to my friend well best of luck everyone good bye take care...........

    @iZeus @Uncle_Psychic @Patrick if anyone can help me regarding deleting my account do help me.....

    Thank you.............

    1. devaharish


      @akshay101 bro thanks a lot man please if any possibility come back for sure we all will miss u man 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Lag fixed? Who knows. We'll see...

  5. anyone have the exact number of battles in the sinnoh sidequests? please and thank you

  6. anyone have the exact number of battles in the sinnoh sidequests? please and thank you

  7. anyone have the exact number of battles in the sinnoh sidequests? please and thank you

  8. I can't believe this.....

    At least i got a blue orb now ...

    I have completed hoenn SQ more than 15 times & never got a single orb ....

    Also i m little shocked when I saw my name in richest users #42

    I feel extremely lucky now....:><:

  9. I have 2 Splash Plate But 0 Arceus I m so unlucky:(  But I dont wanna waste my plates ... So if any anyone wants to convert his Arceus into (Water) ..... PM Me ..:) I won't cheat anyone..... 


    1. devaharish


      @123Aman-2 chill bro no issues better luck next time for me...


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. Trade will be back some time today. I'm not 100% through all the bans but trade has been down long enough. I've made a HUGE dent in the botting accounts and botted experience so it will do for now. 2,000 accounts banned and 4,000,000,000 (Four billion) experience reset so far. Not bad. There will be a brief Maintenance break while I put trade back up, reset everyone's points and do some database optimization in preparation for v4. Don't forget, after the maintenance you will need to do a trainer battle to update your stats back to normal.

    1. devaharish


      hopefully the break will be for a shorter time only  Patrick....:chat:

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

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