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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Pauliee

  1. hi, i'm not sure if anyone else is aware of this but for the past few days i been doing side quests and i always make sure i'm stocked up on potions and i have plenty but lately every time i verse a trainer it shows that i don't have any potions when i want to use on my Pokemon and i would have to go back to poke-mart and shop even though i already have and don't need. will this issue be resolved? does this happen to anyone else? 

    1. unknown_citizen


      Yes, happens to me also. It's a little known bug/error. My advice is that before you start it a battle go to the pokemart, although you don't need to buy anything and after that you start battles.

    2. Pauliee


      oh thank you :)

    3. unknown_citizen
  2. when is the next event?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Loki


      I don't think so. I did see someone comment about a date a while back, but it never flat out stated anything about the date being the release date. Possibly August? 

    3. Pauliee


      oh awesome! thank you! :)

    4. Loki


      No problem. 

  3. Pauliee


    thank you very much!
  4. Pauliee


    hi, how do i evolve my latios into mega latios? the latiosite gem is not in the pokemart.
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