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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by memelord666lol

  1. Lol! @sportsandmusic69 it never was a donatation pokemon! The only thing to be done is raise your iq!!
  2. mine was shiny but i lost it in wonder trade :V what a stupid thing cause i got a red stripe fish useless
  3. well its not my fault it didnt say what wonder trade does, that's reckless. @sportsandmusic69thought you were smarter and could spawn it back in, or something, seems like that's a bit hard for such a admin as you?
  4. patrick! i lost my girantina by wonder trade by accident, i clicked wonder trade and it traded me for some lvl 16 red stripe fish so i released it not knowing i lost my girantina so i went in my inv and my girantina was gone please give it back! it was shiny please @Patrick
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