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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by charman58

  1. i jsut wanted to make sure ppl seen the new groudon that i am selling for 65k currently in pokebay sale is closed
  2. im selling yet another groundon for 75k im not sure what els i can say (sale is fisnehd and expirted see new post if theres more)
  3. so i just caught a shiny femal litleo sadly its female and i was hopping for ithere a shiny litten for it or a shiny male litleo becase one way or another im getting a shiny fire kitty i actuly like
  4. its in pokebay currently if u want but there alredy compitision so buyer beware
  5. i have a groundon normal up for trade im hopping for a different legendary i dont have for it or some other rare pokemon of equal value thats different to it id sell it but i have the worst luck in pokebay like how i just got last minet sniped bidding on a pokemon i wanted or how i try to even sell a pokemon cheap as possible and one one bought it even thought it must have been compleatly too cheap just because in that case pacificly i jsut wanted the pokemon gone and out of my hair at the time but yeah feel free to do negotiations with me for the groudon soon as any one likes in sumed up short i suck at things and i some how lucked out to be fourtunet to have a spare normal groundon up for trade
  6. i have a slyther wich i faulsly was under the impression because i was new at the time faulse swipe was working like as if it brings them down to 1 hp for easier catching and i enountered a shiny magikarp and it died becase of it and since then i put that slyther up for trade and i couldnt care less what i getfor it just so long as that shiny muderer of a slyther is out of my hair
  7. im saying i collect charmanders of every fourm and evelution and im stuck and asking for help and tottly expecting it to fail
  8. so i been trying to collect as much as i can of charmander evelution like with every fourm as well and im stuck i cant use discord becase i dont have a cellpone to claim to my own name and i dont see it worth grinding so much alone that by the time i do get what i desire that i cant enjoy it if any one has a charmander of anything but normal they like to contruibute then pls friend me and let me know i will list off what im currently missing and then tottly expect to fail hard becase i know i have worst luck ever and i will exclude giantamax because far as i know or am aware of its not a thing so no point bothering in that so here is the list of charmanders/charmealons/charizards i am currently missing wich is 4 of the shinies 2 dark 2 mystic 3 metalic and 3 shadow and again im totly expectiny my asking for help to flop because everything else i tried has so if you dont even want to be involed in this feel free to ignore espechily becase no one is forcing any one to do anything same if you want to complaine of my grammer and mispelling ishues because its litterly not even worth ur time talking to me about my bad typing
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