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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Yetnotfound

  1. Hello. I have been gone for a year and a half and I’m back. I’m at once again trying to get something that was simply pure luck for me to get. A Missingno. It took me 3 Months to conceive and the last time was just pure luck that someone traded it. I will give any legendary that’s not in my starters for a Missingno. Hefty, I know but once I get it, expect me to be back on again.

  2. Hello. I have been gone for a year and a half and I’m back. I’m at once again trying to get something that was simply pure luck for me to get. A Missingno. It took me 3 Months to conceive and the last time was just pure luck that someone traded it. I will give any legendary that’s not in my starters for a Missingno. Hefty, I know but once I get it, expect me to be back on again.


    Good Riddance,


  3. Hello he he but I would be once again asking for a missingo

  4. Yo yo yo what’s going on how are ya doin on this fine day my bruthah.

    Seriously, I’m back. So a while ago I was dumb and traded my missingno for some reason, BUT since I have no way of getting it back, I will do absolutely nothing about it unless that person gives it back.

  5. hey there guys, pretty ambitious trade but i’ll offer a shadow mewtwo for a necrozma thanks, yet not found
  6. Hey there haven’t posted in a week or two, I’m offering a Xerneas (active) for a mewtwonite (mega Y) 


    Thanks, YetnotFound

  7. Reese‘s puffs Reese‘s puffs, eat them up eat them up eat them up eat em up


    Dodge this chucklenuts

    1. Captaincam1


      I prefer Skittles.

  8. Hi, today I will offer you a legendary Pokémon for a yamask galarian thanks, YetNotFound
  9. Special thanks to Inteleon for giving me a missingno. 000MS.png:)

  10. Ok I did there just random Pokémon that were with me
  11. Thanks I’ll take it I’ll give you my ho oh and a groudon I’ll
  12. I know I know, this is VERY ambitious, BUT i am offering a ho-oh, celebi, and a kyurem. If you don’t agree that’s fine. If you do I thank you very much and will trade you these Pokémon. Thanks, YetNotFound
  13. I’m offering a metallic colossal for a chespin, does anyone have one? Thank you, YetNotFound.
  14. I can give you a  metallic charkol and a kryem. If those don’t work what do you want

    1. DaddyWaddy


      its already gone sorry

    2. Yetnotfound


      Ok no problem I just got one a minute ago but no problem 


    3. DaddyWaddy
  15. Hi there, today I am offering a Metallic Slaking for a charmander as I would like to give it to my friend. If you could help me out with this, that would be very much appreciated as I am trying to make him happy. Thank you, YetNotFound
  16. Hey there random Pokémon lover! Do u like Pokémon? Well I guessed correctly, you do! Don’t Fret young one, for I will protect u.



    į kńœw whërè ü šłēëp

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tejs


      Ok yetnotfound and shoomania, I don’t think you will not stop being funny😂🤣

    3. Tejs


      And one more thing yetnotfound, tell me where I sleep…🌴🌴

    4. Braixen_Gamr


      i, obvisly sleep in my bed😚

  17. Ÿøü dœńt kńœw mÿ trúë pœwęr b0w tœ mëèēė
  18. Ok I will do it now Oh yeah it’s a jolteon Ok I sent you an offering
  19. Hi there today I am offering a great deal Ever since people have been going crazy for eevees, it’s been hard to find one, so I will give you an eevee for a treecko Happy holidays, -YetNotFound
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