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Everything posted by smg4LOl

  1. 4 legends and one event
  2. ye sure its up porygon shield is off
  3. I'm trading this stuff below
  4. It's something that you get for owning something or doing something. like an award
  5. for lol both worth the same YES OR NO BARSS!!!!
  6. Are they any actual perks to forum ranks? just want to know sorry if wasting your time have a great day!
  7. smg4LOl


    he wants to use his email he is using for this account but just change the email on that account and it should let you
  8. what if you dont have discord
  9. it was originally made in v2 pretty sure but they are trying to make it so it makes more sense its basicly like pokebay but in trades not money
  10. smg4LOl


    dang just tryna get some pokes
  11. oh yes put a trash poke up i will offer
  12. smg4LOl


    i said i had event pokes just message me in game i will trade pikachu ph.d vivilon pokeball and gensect blaze
  13. smg4LOl


    im trying to get Cosmog a Morpeko (Hangry) Arceus (Dark) any variant i will trade for some i have i have other events also IGN smg4LOl Metallic Zapdos Level: 100 Experience: 50,163 Minccino Level: 6 Experience: 3,000 Minior (Meteor) Level: 6 Experience: 3,000 Misdreavus Level: 9 Experience: 4,500 Mismagius Level: 100 Experience: 53,000 Moltres Level: 100 Experience: 68,260 Mystic Abra Level: 12 Experience: 6,000 Mystic Darkrai Level: 51 Experience: 25,500 Mystic Phantump Level: 100 Experience: 53,000 Mystic Poliwag Level: 6 Experience: 3,000 Mystic Registeel Level: 69 Experience: 34,796 Mystic Riolu
  14. @Kogamaster1234 @Vardhanimom congrats kogamaster wins bannet mega vardhanimom wins audino mega
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