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Posts posted by rishivojjala014-2

  1. checked both ign's porymondex and porymonz , not able to find what unique legendaries u need , how many for that  Shadow%20Aerodactyl.gif?? and where to offer ?

    and i'd lyk the 3rd pkgd deal :_

    Dark DialgaDark EnteiDark Landorusfor your Shiny Armaldo????

  2. wow the most awesome prizes ever !!
    i would have said HUMANS r the most powerful cause they created the MASTERBALL:MasterBall: , which can catch THE MOST POWERFUL POKEMON !!
    but u asked for most powerful pokemon so it is :- Dialgaas in the movie " Jewel of life " it turns back time to change arceus mind , thus even the god who  gave dialga the power of time is bound by rules of time controlled by dialga !!!
    ign :- rishivojjala014-2
    (if anyone's seen doctor strange , i guess dialga can defeat arceus in a way  how doctor strange defeated dormammu !!)
    even dittos nothing as dialga can trap ditto in time loop :P


  3. 1 hour ago, iZeus said:

    No thank you. I don't wanna die trying.

    Do u mean it wil b difficult to train the ditto or r u not accepting kyurems anymore ?

    If u can't train the ditto I can give u a shiny colyster for training it to 8 mil ?


    1 hour ago, iZeus said:

    No thank you. I don't wanna die trying.

    Do u mean it wil b difficult to train the ditto or r u not accepting kyurems anymore ?

    If u can't train the ditto I can give u a shiny colyster for training it to 8 mil ?

  4. 1 hour ago, Shebang said:

    Still looking for a Shadow Kyogre, will offer any 2 uniques legends or 5 normals on IGN: Shebang

    If u need that it means u must have a blue orb !! Willing to trade the orb for legendaries , if yes how many ?? I can even give u shadow vivillon Pokeball for it :)

  5. 1 hour ago, Shebang said:

    The only Pokemon available are those UFT.

    Umm ok , what about the mystic Arceus water for 12 mil exp + shadow vivillon Pokeball and fancy + normal kyurem black and white ??

  6. 2 hours ago, Shebang said:

    I am already finalizing the offer for the Arceus. 


    If you are asking how much I want for the 2M EXP, I would like 12 normal legends / 6 unique legends. I do not buy EXP unless it is with events.

    Umm ok, tell me if u don't make  a deal for the Arceus , and I was telling that I had 2 mil exp for your unique legends !! Do u trade the pokemon that r not uft ??

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