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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by rishivojjala014-2

  1. 23 hours ago, DannyV said:

    Well it all depends bro but yes it should be with a higher rate but just do to the fact that alot of people want the shiny ones is why I rate those more than the shadows and stuff and I know some other people who don't rate their rare ones like that some just trade legend for legend or less exp for them but we are all different which is a great way to trade around with people :) 


    What's up @rishivojjala014-2 :) 

    and sorry bro I'm not accepting anymore exp for trades with all the banning going on I'd rather stay away from exp and get it myself lol :P 

    The person who gave it said that it was proper legit exp ??

  2. Long time no trade :)

    I need these SHADOW pokemon :-

    abra , aipom , basculin red , castform , castform water , flabebe orange , 2 furfrou , krabby , meditite , minun , plusle , ponyta, sableye , sawk , scythed , skitty , slugma , solrock , spinark , unown D.

    these 21 + 1 shadow moltress for 

    my Normal Mewtwo of 2 million exp ???

  3. 1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

    I have a bunch of shadow unowns if you are looking for them!


    @Kiwinugzfan   I have a Metallic Abra 

    I have shadow unowns - H, L , T  , I want other shadow unowns except these 3 , I can give these shiny pokemon depending on how many u have :- 

    colyster , ditto , larvesta , dratini , magikarp , etc

    Please tell me how many shadow unowns except H,L,T ??

  4. Looking for Shadow Honedge,Shadow MareepShadow Mareep,many shadow scatterbugsShadow Scatterbug,

    Shadow MudkipShadow Mudkip, all shadow unowns ,

    Only the shadow mudkip and marred can be in their final evolution form , expect these 2 I want all others in basic evolved forms

    I will trade any of the unique pokemon except my shadow poke for them

    ign :- rishivojjala014-2

  5. 1 hour ago, Jace Christian said:

    Why are people asking other people to train their pokemons to have millions of exp?
    how much exp do you need to lvl up to 100? 

    People need exp to be on the top trainers list , so some ppl also trade pokemon for exp even tho only 50,000 exp is required for pokemon to be lvl 100


    • Upvote 1
  6. I want your these SHADOW pokemon :- amoonguss , flabebe red , geodude , I will give u 1 shiny evolved pokemon and 2 -3 shiny pokemon ,

    as vortex us down I don't really remember what uniques I have lol

  7. 7 hours ago, CadderIy said:

    I have played vortex for 1.5 years and battled 5000 battles. The best pokemons here are sableye and skuntank. You don't need anything else than a couple of those. If you wan't some diversity to your team, it's ok, but for real you only need a few sableyes+skuntanks. Prefer dark, mystic, and metallic types.

    Yup sableyes r great , but the team looks better when u have a variety of pokemon ..xD

  8. Try out this team :- 

    Shadow Charizard (Mega X)Shadow Torterra

    Shadow Blastoise (Mega)Shadow Ampharos (Mega)

    Shadow Altaria (Mega)Shadow Gengar (Mega)

    it is quite a balanced team with fire , water ground grass fairy dragon ghost poison electric and other main elements that r enough to counter all the elements I guess 


    U don't need to take only shadow pokemon take anything of your choice , as u want to finish gyms u better use dark pokemon as they do more damage so easier it becomes to defeat gyms . 

    • Love-dis 1
  9. Ign: rishivojjala014-2

    My most insane moment was long long time back when I just finished gyms all that and went to the maps to catch pokemon and I found a mystic santapie , but I skipped it wantedly cause I wanted legendaries , Now I don't know if I should cry or laugh about it !!!!

    my most valuable pokemon :- all of my shadow pokemon :P

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