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Posts posted by rishivojjala014-2

  1. The SHADOW POKEMON you have r on the left and the Pokemon I will give r on the right 

    your SHADOW POKE = my poke

    1.serperior = shadow charizard       mega  Y

    2.Grovyle = shiny whiscash + shiny voltorb

    3. Beldum = shiny mighteyana

    4 . Noibat = shiny talonflame

    5. Meinfoo = shiny persian

    6. Kangskhan = shiny mawile mega

    7.  Clampearl = shadow starly + shiny torchic

    8. Burmy plant  :- shiny burmy sand (male) 

    i am giving u evolved shiny poke for shadow basic poke , do u like the offer ?? :)

  2. 8 minutes ago, Dlkdd said:

    Only looking for other events, sorry.


    Please put the shadow zygarde cell uft so that I can offer , how about a virizion for the other shadow zygarde cell ?? 

  3. According to your rates normal legend = 300,000 exp , so if I have a Celebiwith 130 ,000 exp, it is about 430,000 exp in total ?? I could give u the celebi + 5 shiny evolved Pokemon for your shadow zapdos ??

    i have already offered :)

  4. 11 hours ago, DannyV said:

    How many do you think is fair? 


    I already fused them sorry about that 

    Would U like to give 3 ??

    i want Shadow Shaymin (Sky)Shadow TornadusShadow DarkraiCould u give the shyamin and tornadus  that r uft on your ign with original trainer as - rishivojjala014-2 

    the lilerp is up for trade

  5. 13 minutes ago, himanshu24092002 said:

    i will host and will give prizes to the winner

    Can I make a new account on Pokemon showdown now , and take part in the league or I already must have had an account to join it ??

    sorry for so many questions , I don't know much about Pokemon showdown :)

  6. i have a Shadow Reshiram i want these shadow poke  Shadow Zygarde (Cell)Shadow%20Ursaring.gifShadow%20Graveler.gifShadow%20Pineco.gif and these normal pokemon Genesect.gif  Zygarde%20(Cell).gifZygarde%20(Cell).gifSpewpa.gifXerneas%20(Active).gifRayquaza.gifYveltal.gifYveltal.gifVirizion.gif
    u can offer at ign :- rishivojjala014-2 :)  the shadow reshiram is up for trade 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Nutella Navigator said:

    Need these pokemon. PM me asap.

    Metallic Metapod
    Metallic Chinchou
    Metallic Chingling
    Metallic Shellder
    Metallic Wurmple
    Metallic Voltorb
    Metallic Elekid
    Metallic Totodile x2
    Metallic Snorunt x2
    Metallic Ralts-Male/Female x4
    Metallic Ralts-Female x2
    Metallic Shellos (East)
    Metallic Pumpkaboo (Small)
    Metallic Froakie
    Metallic Spoink x2
    Metallic Gulpin x2
    Metallic Timburr
    Metallic Gastly
    Metallic Hippopotas
    Metallic Honegde
    Metallic Horsea
    Metallic Klink
    Metallic Finneon
    Metallic Shinx x2
    Metallic Swinub
    Metallic Meditite
    Metallic Metapod
    Metallic Misdreavus
    Metallic Mime Jr.
    Metallic Remoraid
    Metallic Poliwag x2
    Metallic Shellder
    Metallic Shellos (West)
    Metallic Stunky x2
    Metallic Staryu
    Metallic Croagunk
    Metallic Barboach

    i have a metallic mr, mime , not mime jr , do u need it ??

  8. 1 minute ago, Alex777 said:

    Dude...that's too bad.. If I was in your place,I would have used the master balls for the shiny kyurem..

    Lol , it took me lots of time 2 finish  sidequests , so I really didn't want 2 waste masterballs which I regret now :(

  9. How about we have a separate wonder trading machine only for legendaries .

    Also, in that we should be able to trade normal and unique legendaries seperately!!

    I think we  can even make something like this for events also - ( not really a good idea to wonder trade events I guess :P )

    I know that this is an easy thing for me to say but a big task to implement it in vortex :)

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