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Posts posted by Alex777

  1. 14 hours ago, EagerRhino said:

    How about 60-80m?

    Buddy, with all the banning going on, I dont think I would want to trade for exp. do you have any proof for your innocence? Is the exp broken or unbroken? What's your IGN? Tell me in PM so I can check and let you know. 

  2. 12 hours ago, surana57 said:

    Looking for events . Offering Legit experience, unique legends,some events,few fossils,etc

    How much exp for a Shiny Missingno? Offer good, cause there are only 96 of them.

  3. 8 hours ago, GodsWithin said:

    Ok! Offer on the SquirtleUFT on GodsTrading

    Please tell me what 5 unique legends you will be paying!

    Metallic azelf,metallic victini,metallic yveltal,dark cress ilia and dark genesect.

  4. Hello. I snared you to train 7 million on one of my pokemon for my unique primal. I have an orb with me so you can specify me which primal you want, like mystic or shiny or metallic etc. I can assure you it's non glitched. So you ready for the offer?

  5. 2 hours ago, darkxknight101 said:

    Trading Shiny Arceus and Metallic Arceus


    Looking for fossils and exp

    I'll give you mystic kabuto + 5 shiny legends + 10 shiny uniques for the shiny or metallic arceus. Deal?

  6. 2 hours ago, Shayan2001 said:

     Looking for santapie volcanion hoopa unbounded and arceus fairy/unknown/water/electric and mewtwo armour and giratina origin any type so plz pm me guys 






    my ing is:Shayan2

    What would you like for your shadow arceus? 5 unique leggies for it?

  7. 3 hours ago, JaymzIsUS said:

    yeah not rare compaired to like shadow phione, but its generally rare, alright there are 9900 xerneus' in the game, you can chill, its considerablly rare for a non legi

    Man.....why are you not able to understand me... Check out the thread for the rates of uniques and legendary sand you will understand. Legendaries are rare to find. These are common pokemon and can be found anywhere. No. Of Xerneas is higher in the game because - 1) it's a legendary. 2) People like it since it is rare and is not found in every 2-3 steps like a chimchar or any other common pokemon. Hope you get my point.

  8. 1 hour ago, JaymzIsUS said:

    its up for trade, its free, please enjoy
    there is about 2700 shadow chimcahrs, so its pretty rare, so dont go trading it for any bs, but go ahead and have it

    Buddy. Since you are new I would like to tell you one thing. SHADOW CHIMCHARS ARE NOT AT ALL RARE.  They can be obtained anytime and are normal pokemon..

  9. 1 hour ago, Lightning_Angel said:

    i would do 80 legys but i dont have that much. My ign is Squamato


    How about zygarde complete?

    If normal then no. If unique then maybe we can strike a deal. PM me.

  10. 1 hour ago, Lightning_Angel said:

    Unique? or normal? 

    And how about 5 normal kyurem forms? 

    I don't want kyurem forms. I am looking for unique legends only. Since missingo is now unobatainable and can be gotten by only giveaways or trades , I think 80 unique legends is fair. Also, what's your IGN? 

    @Scheryar Saqib, I don't want a shiny lileep even though there is only 26 of those in the game because I can always get it by doing the side quests and the missingo is now an unob..

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