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twixeros trade thread

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7 hours ago, GodsWithin said:

Darn, can I pick some different ones then?

Yea bro go ahead and ill let u know if those are available or not bybthe way the trade page is up i have more up for trade u can look at... i also do have some other of the ines u wantes available i had them in my trade page but look andet me know 

Edited by DannyV
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On 6/23/2016 at 1:54 PM, DannyV said:

Yea bro go ahead and ill let u know if those are available or not bybthe way the trade page is up i have more up for trade u can look at... i also do have some other of the ines u wantes available i had them in my trade page but look andet me know 

Hey Bro! So i figured out what I wanted from you (These are all doubles from your UFT page) 

Shiny TyrogueShiny Burmy (Steel)Shiny CacneaShiny CombeeShiny Deerling (Winter)Shiny PansageShiny PinsirShiny RelicanthShiny TangelaShiny Unown (F)


for my Shadow Rayquaza and Metallic Genesect 

If Yes they are UFT on GodsTrading

Please Offer :) 

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Hey Bro! So i figured out what I wanted from you (These are all doubles from your UFT page) 

Shiny TyrogueShiny Burmy (Steel)Shiny CacneaShiny CombeeShiny Deerling (Winter)Shiny PansageShiny PinsirShiny RelicanthShiny TangelaShiny Unown (F)


for my Shadow Rayquaza and Metallic Genesect 

If Yes they are UFT on GodsTrading

Please Offer :) 

I'm about to offer but all I see is the genesect bro

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Dark Florges (Orange)with 2m xp for Moltres and any 4 dark legends of your choice?

Slash if you're not interested in xp for that many legends at once, just a Ho-oh for Moltres? Haven't managed to find one yet and as I'm sure you can imagine from my picture, that's bugging me a bit haha

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1 hour ago, Dirty Money said:

Dark Florges (Orange)with 2m xp for Moltres and any 4 dark legends of your choice?

Slash if you're not interested in xp for that many legends at once, just a Ho-oh for Moltres? Haven't managed to find one yet and as I'm sure you can imagine from my picture, that's bugging me a bit haha

A normal moltres? And are u the original trainer of the pokemon with that exp?? 

Edited by DannyV
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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

are you interested in a Shiny Thundurus or a Mystic Arceus for uniques?

The mystic arceus bro


1 hour ago, Alan Solis said:

Hi man! @DannyV

Are you interested in exp forShiny OmanyteLileepand Shieldon? If yes, how much for each?

Hmmm if the exp is trained by you then yes if it's not then no I dint trust no one with exp unless I've tade with u before and u seem legit other than that I'm staying away from exp not trained by me but idk bro how much exp are u willing to give for each 

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1 hour ago, DannyV said:

The mystic arceus bro


Hmmm if the exp is trained by you then yes if it's not then no I dint trust no one with exp unless I've tade with u before and u seem legit other than that I'm staying away from exp not trained by me but idk bro how much exp are u willing to give for each 

Yes of course is trained by me, and it would be something new trained for this deal. 5M for the 3? You can give me what you want to be trained or can i take one random spare

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2 hours ago, DannyV said:

A normal moltres? And are u the original trainer of the pokemon with that exp?? 

Yup, a normal Moltres. I think by your rates it comes out to like 1.9m, but I figured no point being misery bout that small of a difference 

And also yup, I'm the original trainer of that pokemon

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2 hours ago, DannyV said:

The mystic arceus bro


Hmmm if the exp is trained by you then yes if it's not then no I dint trust no one with exp unless I've tade with u before and u seem legit other than that I'm staying away from exp not trained by me but idk bro how much exp are u willing to give for each 

For the Mystic Arceus I want

Shiny BunearyShiny MagnemiteShiny Munchlax (x2) Shiny Ralts (x2) Shiny SneaselShiny SphealShiny SwinubShiny WeavileMystic Eevee

You have doubles and triples of all these pokemon (I checked) and even have their evolutions so it will not mess up your dex!

If you want one more unique legend from  me i can add a Metallic Genesect into the deal!

If yes please offer on GodsTrading the Mystic Arceus is UFT :) 

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4 hours ago, Alan Solis said:

Yes of course is trained by me, and it would be something new trained for this deal. 5M for the 3? You can give me what you want to be trained or can i take one random spare

Actually bro I'm going to keep the fossils since I myself need them too 


2 hours ago, GodsWithin said:

For the Mystic Arceus I want

Shiny BunearyShiny MagnemiteShiny Munchlax (x2) Shiny Ralts (x2) Shiny SneaselShiny SphealShiny SwinubShiny WeavileMystic Eevee

You have doubles and triples of all these pokemon (I checked) and even have their evolutions so it will not mess up your dex!

If you want one more unique legend from  me i can add a Metallic Genesect into the deal!

If yes please offer on GodsTrading the Mystic Arceus is UFT :) 

I'll go offer right now


2 hours ago, Dirty Money said:

Yup, a normal Moltres. I think by your rates it comes out to like 1.9m, but I figured no point being misery bout that small of a difference 

And also yup, I'm the original trainer of that pokemon

OK then put it up for trade

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