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Pokémon Vortex

***EXCEL Document*** Not Complete *** Want to Share***

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Hi everyone I have created an Excel Document for Pokémon Vortex,  I don't know how to explain what its propose is but I created it to help me track where all the Pokémon are located/acquired/my current progress for living Dex/type and immunity categories/separate lists for alternate forms/legendary's and Starters/Wild Pokémon (water/Land) all with sections for each variant... The map/Immunity trainers. All data is an amalgamation of a dozen sources online, but to suite Pokémon vortex. Id like to Share what I have so far, At least to get some feedback.... like I said it is NOT COMPLETE and may have areas where I have placed data and I expect there to be a large amount of errors. I have done my best to show the data in as easy a way as possible, however you may find on first glace that it is allot to take in or understand... Which is fair. 



Updated 23/12/2020 

-Massive amount of spelling corrections

-Updated and improved Categorization System (new tabs for better navigation of pokemon variants)

-Continued to add and refine area for easier understand and readability.

-Overall just continued to work on everything

PS. This has taken me a HUGE amount of time, thus please be constructive. I simply want others to benefit from my time if this document is of some benefit.

PSS. I don't know what questions may be asked about this but Im happy to answer any. IGN: IamLegend707, if you have any comments or feedback don't hesitate.

Edited by IamLegend707
UPDATED Google Doc 23/12/2020
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4 minutes ago, Dark-Entei said:

Can you make this open to all? 

Like we don't need to ask for access but it is view only so none can edit. I don't know how to do it exactly but there is a feature so the user does not need an email to enter, more people can see it that way

I believe I have fixed that problem, check now :)

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