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Pokémon Vortex

How to get Legendaries!

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If you have played all the way through a Pokémon game, you've probably encountered a Legendary Pokémon. And you probably want to know how to get one here! Here is what you need to get a Legendary Pokémon.


1. To get a ribbon of the Legendary Pokemon's home region. (By beating all of the gyms in that region.)


And yes! Only that. You have to go to a specific place to get the Legendary Pokémon. Search it up because there is a LOT of legendaries and I can not list all of them and their locations even if I wanted to. (I will update this someday to list them.)


Have a nice day and I hope you get that Legendary Pokémon you are looking for!

Shiny Rayquaza (Mega)Shiny Kyogre (Primal)Shiny Groudon (Primal)

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