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I would like to get your thoughts and opinions on a topic that has been discussed recently. Circulation in the game has been decreasing for a long time. One of the reason for this is that everythink in the game is getting more and more worthless. In the past it was more difficult and valuable to have high pokedollars in the game. İt would be nice for new players but many old and rich players they cant find anythink to spend the money on. Of course, the most interesting and expectedpart of the games : EVENTS 

But When we think about the events in this game, we see most of most of them are not rare and valuable. There is no point in participating in the event. As soon as they will be on Boxes. So their prices will be down , their rarity will be easy, it will be easy to find. We can think of this from two differents angles. 
P2w players can buy events easily, but after a time later they wont find a place to spend their money. Because , almost every event easy to find and they are not valuable. 
Second point of view; if you are not p2w players in this game. Some players spend their time on map hunting, making tasks etc for events. They make time for events but end of the day, a unique ubs or starters or legends are mostly more valuable then event pokes 🙂 🙂  starters, ubs or legends are always can find on maps. but events are only available on specific time period. To give an example ; Metallic hoopa selling around 2.5 m pds. it was a good event but this pokemons are hard to sell. No one want it and you can not find it on maps anymore . But we many map pokes ( some of them ubs some legends some starters you can always find on maps ) are more valuable then event pokes. We can give many examples like that. 

Another subject is ; most hard battle count players ( Who playing tihs game more then anyother players ) complainant about Sidequest prizes. Yes update is good but not enough. Objects from SQ reward pool no longer cost money. Dont think about only fossils or orbs. İf you compare rates and if you are hard player you can understand what I am talking about. Complete 10 times sq you can win 1 fossil if you are lucky 🙂  anyway, Doing 155 battle for just a mega stone is not worth. and the funny think is that mega stone you won from sq is worthless. 

Since we are complaining about things lik this, we would like to offer for solutions ; 

- Mega Stones only can find from sidequest. So the time and effort invested becomes more valuable.Mega stones prices increase over time.
- Pokeballs only available on sideques prize pool.  Same like mega stones , pokeballs prices increase over time and players would be more willing to do sidequest. 
- Rewards coming out of MB can change montly as before. Doing this will make event pokes more rare and valuable.İt can make MB sales more regular.

We are having problems because some event dates are predetermined. ( Valentine Days, Halloween, Christmas, Star Wars ). We all accept all of them are exciting but claim events are not fair. Players are find a way to abuse it. We know many players who claimed event 20-30 on different accounts.
Events are unexpected dates can be more excited.  Seeing the same pokemon event all the time can be boring now. We can use things that are popular and known to everyone just like star wars 

 Snorlax ( Hagrid ) 
Shuckle ( Dobby )
Alakazam ( Snape )

Machoke ( Hulk ) 
Gengar ( Thanos ) 
Scizor ( Iron Man ) only male 
Greninja ( Black Widow ) only female

İt can be make on unexpecting dates as these do not have a specific day. 
we stop seeing different version of the same pokemon . Like Arceus.  Pikachu doesnt have to be everyones fav pokes. A map poke a regular poke also can be favorite pokemon someone else (. 

I am not a native speaker. sorry if I made a typo . 
Hoopa ( Dr. Strange )
Tentacruel ( Otto Octopus)


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Bro what about the mbs that we kept with us for an entire month and then open them on next? What will we get at that time?


Also what kinda pokeball u talked about, the normal once like normal, great and ultra or other like dive, net etc. Cuz adding normal balls too on sq will make this game hard for new players. Or better just don't take pokeballs to sq as this might ruin the fun of the game


By the way not gonna lie i liked this idea. It is practical. 



Edited by Guardian_Of_Alola
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Okay I have read this post and picked apart what I could glean from it. Essentially your saying- everything is to cheap and losing value, Sidequest rewards are not worth doing them, Mystery boxes are causing problems when it comes to rarity and prices. 

Needless to say I have my own opinions in terms of the in-game economy, and mystery boxes; however I do understand your plight in regards to Sidequests. Lets begin some constructive discussion regarding your post. (I really like this post btw regardless of if I agree with something or disagree.) 


-Perceived Value Inflation- 

I think there is more than just one thing to blame on the falling prices of various "Exclusive" mons. I would say the biggest impact however would be the type of economy that is run in this game. Vortex applies a Player Owned Economy approach to the in-game finance situation. This means the effects of supply and demand hit this economy way harder than in other models. Anything new is going to be worth more right out of the gate as players put a premium on owning new things, consider that a hidden fee for something. As a "new" event mon has more time to acclimate within the market the price will inevitably fall to something more appropriate.

     There are many different factors that adjust what the final price points of various pokemon will be. Examples of this are, how many are in the game, are there other ways to obtain this pokemon apart from the event, and what is the communities perceived value of this pokemon. Hoopa is a wonderful example to bring up, the hoopa event lasted 1 whole week; therefor alot of them in comparison to other events are in the game initially. Towards the beginning I'm sure there were hoopas sold for exorbitant amounts. Towards the end of the event until the point they were put into boxes however these pokemon were already worth less than what their value would have been simply due to the fact that many were in the game. Especially when compared to something like the fire arceus event.

     If your goal is for your pokedollars to have more spending power aka ( less pokedollars gets more ) you would consider finding a new money sink too insert into the game. If you want the opposite to happen where bigger pds means less than be my guest but that is a sign of a struggling in-game economy.

     As a side note if you have noticed a drop in various event mons prices such as deo forms, volcanians, and holiday mons this is purely because the market is self stabilizing after the player and money influx that occurred in the game along with the covid epidemic. Lots of players were investing more into the game therefor various items/mons values rose drastically during that time period. 

     The true beauty of the player run markets is that there is no real set value on anything merely the perception of value hence why you can find one person buying a pokemon for 10m while someone else is paying 20m for the same pokemon.


-Mystery Box Rewards-

I would say when it comes to event pokemon there are two catagories, -Exclusive event mons i.e. Holiday/starwars- and just -Event mons i.e. everything else-


I don't think removing mega stones from boxes will fix anything, as the result of doing so would be making obtaining such items harder for newer players. Mega stones don't need to be worth a lot of pds.


I dont believe unique pokeballs such as master balls, beast balls, or vortex balls should be removed from mystery boxes. The price for these items has remained fairly stable over the years minus the master ball which lost value after having its rate drop improved via sidequests.


Mystery boxes allow players to obtain "Event Pokemon" they supply a constant feed into the market allowing any player to finish and complete the dex if they allocate their resources properly. The rates are fine in my opinion as the rarity of a top box keeps the player market in check.


-Sidequest Rewards- 

Ill agree in this department, the pokedollar gains from sidequests are a fantastic way to work towards some more expensive goals, however the randomness of item rewards is the biggest complaint I hear from the playerbase. It would be much better if players were allowed to at least have a visible goal insight when they decide to grind the quests out for specific items. Maybe instead of rewarding random items there can be a point store implemented where x item is worth x sidequest currency obtained via running multiple sidequest, runs the more times you run a region the more points you have to spend for that regions rewards. 


-New "Holiday Event Mons"-

I personally am a fan of the very limited selection of holiday/starwars mons. I personally dont enjoy the idea of getting even more genres of "Pop Culture mons" I don't want vortex to become littered with these over the coarse of years, sure its a fun idea however i feel it would ruin a certain integrity this game upholds.

I believe reruns allowing older holiday mons a chance to return is the appropriate way to go for the games future as it allows players who join our community to obtain pokemon that could potentially be gatekept from them. A new avenue for old mons is never a bad idea. As for login reward events done in the past are most likely going to stay there, with the implementation of the lives maps Patrick has successful diverted away from this old outdated strategy. 


There will always be a new form of pokemon being released in the future, I promise you Nintendo wont stop beating this horse. There will always be a next gen, a reboot with a new legend form, and there will be plenty of pokemon to catch, train, and obtain.


All of this is my opinion and observation however it doesn't mean I'm correct. I hope it can potentially place a light on some aspects of pds and value you didn't have prior. There is a reason people study this stuff in universities.



Edited by Quintonboy1
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 First of all , thank you for taking the times to share your thoughts. I can understand the point of view of the article. I may not be able to answer just because my english not well. In fact,  I mean briefly the feature of the event pokemon, available specific time period and means more specific pokemon but when the number are too large, their value decrease. İts not only about boxes I agree with that.

The value of of a pokemon should not be as high as when it first came out. However , their value not decrease that much over time. Even map pokes are more valueble then events. ( Not incloud volcaions deo forms also their valuable are down )  its getting harder and harder to sell these products in the market.As a result, players will not recieve boxes( because they startes to think its not worth ) or get bored with the game quickly ( because everythink is very easy to reach )

- Sidequest Suggestion - 

 I think your point system for sidequest might be effective. After you complete a region you will get a point , maybe last 3 - 4 region will high more point or somethink else.  After you complete region you will get small prize but only if you complete sidequest you can choose your own big prize etc.  an open to development. 
About mega stones removal from boxes, if we make things are more rare and harder to find their prices will be go up. Maybe remove from boxes make a trouble for new players but they are still accessible. sidequest , pokebay , some stones on pokemarket. 

- New Holiday Events - 

Adapting other pop culture characters here might actually not be very appropriate. For me , I never finished star wars but still keeping pokemon ( : 
 The point I want to make here is that players are tired of seeing the same pokemon in different colors. Arceus fire red , rceus water blue etc.  looks so careless. and if we need an event in a different methot for the game , if its must be a popular culture effect for the capture large audiences we can choose harry potter or marvel or somethink different I just think snorlax fit in hagrid , hoopa also relevant Dr. strange 🙂 they are just idea for the get out of the a vicious circle. 

- Special Pokeballs - 

We dont want new players to have problems with the game. İts getting harder to gain new players anyway. We see the same people on discord ( : new faces always will be good for game. 
Still pokeball great ball available on market. the purpose of giving this idea actually, it could be work increase special balls price might be more interesting doing sidequest. 

PS: Some players wrote me on discord. Speaking about game or sharing your idea for development game not meaning patrick will banned you. İf you talk constructively and your idea will be usefulnot just you but to everyone playing the game we can discuss it here. 

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