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blastpika pokemon catching Reopened

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I will catch any pokemon (except ultra beasts) for Some money. Common Pokémon 25,000, rare and starter Pokémon are 50,000, and legendary Pokémon are 100,000. If you ask for a specific varient the price is doubled. Please ask for a Pokémon I need the money and I am bored.




1.masterplay45 asked forShiny zacian.

2.mmmmj asked for Shiny Eevee.

3.itzzbuoyy09 asked for Shiny ZacianShiny zamazentaShiny MewtwoShiny GroudonShiny KyogreShiny Rayquazaand shiny Ho oh, Shiny Lugia Shiny DialgaShiny PalkiaShiny GiratinaShiny RegigigasShiny ArceusShiny ZekromShiny ReshiramShiny KyuremShiny yveltalShiny XerneasShiny Zygarde Shiny meltan Shiny eternatus Shiny diancieShiny deoxys


4. candykauser786 asked for Shiny Vulpix.

5.thylocoelo asked for Shiny CharizardShiny RayquazaShiny froakie.

Edited by Blastpika
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I want you to find many shiny legends. I want shiny zacian, shiny zamazenta, shiny mewtwo, shiny groudon, shiny kyogre, shiny rayquaza, shiny ho-oh, shiny lugia, shiny palkia, shiny dialga, shiny giratina, shiny regigigas, shiny arceus, shiny zekrom, shiny reshiram, shiny kyurem, shiny yveltal, shiny xerneas (active), shiny zygarde, shiny meltan, shiny eternatus, shiny diancie and shiny deoxys. I will give 300K each. So if u give all I can give 7M although it costs 6.9M. I will be hoping to see you with all these legends for me. shiny zacianshiny zamazentashiny mewtwoshiny groudonshiny kyogreshiny rayquazashiny ho-ohshiny lugiashiny palkiashiny dialgashiny giratinashiny regigigasshiny arceusshiny zekromshiny reshiramshiny kyuremshiny yveltalshiny xerneas (active)shiny zygardeshiny meltanshiny eternatusshiny diancieshiny deoxys.

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15 hours ago, Blastpika said:

Sure. Masterplay45 Check everyday on here because this is where I will tell you it is ready some for you mmmmj.



Masterplay45 i will try to catch both and mmmmj I will catch shiny evee.

Ok thanks!

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Candykauser786 i can catch the vulpix’ but It will cost 25,000. Itzzbuoyy09 that is a long list but I need the money so I will try to do it. Thylocoelo i can catch it and the price you are offering is a good price. All of you please come here to make sure if it is ready. I will put a list with everyone’s names and Pokémon. If it says done that means it is ready.

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16 hours ago, Blastpika said:

I don’t got the Pokémon left. Trust me it is very hard I found to normal deoxys and a mystic Rayquaza. Also found a Zacian normal. It is very annoying.

You can stop searching for my Shiny Zamazenta, so 1 less pokemon. I got it myself, you can take your time. I am not in a hurry.

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On 3/12/2023 at 3:40 PM, Blastpika said:

Candykauser786 i can catch the vulpix’ but It will cost 25,000. Itzzbuoyy09 that is a long list but I need the money so I will try to do it. Thylocoelo i can catch it and the price you are offering is a good price. All of you please come here to make sure if it is ready. I will put a list with everyone’s names and Pokémon. If it says done that means it is ready.

Ok but when do I pay?

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Candykauser786 i didn’t catch it yet but I will. Lingling40hours I can do it but it will cost 300,000. Randoman I can do that for you. Masterplay45 thank you it will now cost you only 100,000. It is very hard to catch shiny Pokémon.

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