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Pokémon Vortex

Trading Some events and legendaries

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6 hours ago, waybig said:

I'm looking for unique Mewtwos, how about a dark zapdos for metallic mewtwo

I can trade if you add one more poke or replace zapdos with some other Poke:)

2 hours ago, PokemonMaster. said:

Dark Groudon (Primal) and Shiny Raikou for Shadow Necrozma (Tell me if I need to add)

Hi! the offer seems nice but according to vortex bot the price doesn't add up so i would be happy if you add some more pokes. thanks

4 hours ago, Void-Star said:

which pokemon do you want, as i have a bunch of legendries, such as zacian, zamazenta, dratinice, dratinire, dratinilic, and more. i'm willing to trade most of these for the necrozma,


Will see and tell you through in game mesaage

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