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Trading Events and other things. (CONSTANTLY BEING UPDATED)

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I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. I have events amongst other things which I am willing to part with for decent offers.

I am primarily looking for Unique Pikachu Cosplays (Preferably Shiny), a Mystic Arceus (Water) and all fossils.



Mystic Arceus (Ice)Rotom (Pokedex)Arceus (Ice)Rotom (Halloween)Zygarde (Cell)Shiny Rotom (Pokedex)




Shiny Meloetta (Aria)Shadow Meloetta (Aria)Dark Meloetta (Aria)Mystic Meloetta (Aria)Metallic Meloetta (Aria)Meloetta (Aria)Shiny Arceus (Fairy)


Unique Legends


Dark Arceusx2 Dark ArticunoDark GenesectDark Tapu LeleDark VictiniDark VirizionMetallic GenesectMetallic Tapu LeleMetallic Type-NullMetallic YveltalMystic Tapu LeleMystic SuicuneMystic GroudonMystic UxieMystic VirizionMystic YveltalMystic ZygardeShadow DarkraiShadow Darkrownx2Shadow GroudonShadow GiratinaShadow RayquazaShadow Latios  Shadow RegisteelShadow ReshiramShadow Shaymin (Sky)x2Shadow Tapu BuluShadow Tapu LeleShadow UxieShadow VirizionShadow YveltalShiny ArceusShiny AzelfShiny DiancieShiny DialgaShiny DarkraiShiny Darkrownx3Shiny GenesectShiny Giratinax3Shiny GroudonShiny Jirachiwith 831,096 expShiny KyogreShiny KyuremShiny LandorusShiny Mewx2Shiny MewtwoShiny MespritShiny MoltresShiny Palkiax2Shiny Rayquaza (Mega)Shiny RegisteelShiny Suicunex2Shiny Tapu LeleShiny Type-NullShiny UxieShiny ZapdosShiny Yveltalx2Shiny Zekrom


Misc (Not events, legends or donations, available any time)


Shiny OmanyteBastiodonLunalaKabutopsx2OmanyteRotom (Heat)x3 Rotom (Cut)x2 Rotom (Frost)x2Rotom (Spin)x3Shiny Rotom (Spin)


Rare Mons 


Dark BlazikenDark EeveeDark MimikyuDark RotomDark SquirtleDark TyphlosionDark PopplioEeveex3Metallic EeveeMetallic SylveonMetallic WimpodMystic EeveeMystic Jangmo-oMystic RowletShadow CharmanderShadow EeveeShadow FlareonShadow Jangmo-oShadow PrimarinaShadow RioluShadow Porygonx2Shadow SnivyShiny CharmeleonShiny DragoniteShiny Dittox2Shiny FennekinShiny FlareonShiny GlaceonShiny GolisopodShiny OshawottShiny PiplupShiny Primarina with 444,043 exp Shiny RioluShiny Rotomwith 216,533 expShiny SylveonShiny TotodileShiny Rowlet



Edited by Yousy-RT
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12 hours ago, KILLERTRAINZ-KING said:

I want charmanders.......


14 hours ago, axe45 said:

Any special for the Zygarde (Cell)?

State your offers.


16 hours ago, dillmet said:

Interested in Tyrantrum??

Is it unique? If so, yeah. If not, no.

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12 hours ago, Yousy-RT said:



Is it unique? If so, yeah. If not, no.

Yes I.want unique.......

Which u hv.....

If u r giving 5-6 uniques then I may give you a single UNIQUE Fossil.....

and can you please give me a event for primal???????????

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2 hours ago, KILLERTRAINZ-KING said:

Yes I.want unique.......

Which u hv.....

If u r giving 5-6 uniques then I may give you a single UNIQUE Fossil.....

and can you please give me a event for primal???????????

When I was talking about Uniques, I was talking about the Tyrantrum. Look where you are quoted.

It depends what the fossil is. 

What Primal are you talking about?

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I've got unique Kanto fossils and some others. What can you offer for a Kabuto(set) except Shiny one?

I kinda also have a Shiny Arceus (Water). Only trading it for a very good offer.


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9 hours ago, Mark Thompson said:


I've got unique Kanto fossils and some others. What can you offer for a Kabuto(set) except Shiny one?

I kinda also have a Shiny Arceus (Water). Only trading it for a very good offer.


What are you after for the Kabuto set?

As for the water, I’m Definetly interested. What would you  like for it?

Edited by Yousy-RT
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1 hour ago, Yousy-RT said:

What are you after for the Kabuto set?

As for the water, I’m Definetly interested. What would you  like for it?

Anything that persuades me to trade 'em.

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