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Patrick last won the day on June 6

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About Patrick

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    Grand Master
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  1. This is the only way I can message you since, I don't have enough memory for discord and your messages are off when I tried to send you a message through emails it wouldn't work. Also, I am using my phone. Alright here's my story. It all started either 2 days ago or 1. Can't remember exactly. Rajesh asked me if I'm ready to trade my metallic magearna for his and I said yeah. So, I had my Pokemon in my party and I put it in my trades. Once, I put it in my trades and was gone off of v3 for a min. It was gone. I kept on looking from my view all Pokemon to my trades. Still couldn't find it. So, i made a status update on it and Cadderly said lul had it but, when I was looking at his profile. I couldnt find it. After, I told him I couldn't find it he told me he got it(Cadderly has it. His ign:Ressurected). He kept on telling me is the metallic magearna with 80k is mine and I said yeah. And then he said he is going to wait until, you confirm it. Also, my metallic magearna was a different OT but, it's still the one he has with 80k. Matter a fact, the only one he has

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    2. Deadly_Phyton


      But, is there any solution for us? (Lul. We stole donation pokemon, even if we did not have our OT).

    3. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      @Patrick Sorry, um. Lul glitched my metallic magearna and now Cadderly(ign:Ressurected) has it. Cadderly told me he got it from lul. 

    4. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      People please mind your own business and stop being smart with me. The reason why I'm am sending pat a post like this is because, a friend sent me a snapshot of Patrick's post from discord that said he needed people to explain specifically  what happened to their missing or glitched Pokemon and I am doing just that and this is the only way i can communicate with him. So, please mind your  own business and not mine. Please and thank-you. :) Also, pat you don't have to read it it's for the people that gets smart with me like, in my messages and statuses. Only them. 


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