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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by Patrick

  1. It likely just had damaged data which was something caused by the transfer of genders that I did near the beginning of v3. If this is the case, when you open it's information to view it in the Pokédex tab, it will correct itself but the person who corrects it will become the OT as there is no way to know who it originally was after the data had been damaged.

    There is nothing wrong with the Aerodactyl, don't worry about it.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Avigra said:

    Was talking to Patrick but was getting faint reply, and over the last two weeks have received no reply at all so thought I would step this up to here just to inform and make it easier to contact me.

    Basically i'm stilling missing my Mystic and Dark Mewtwo (Armor) from the rollback you did back in February? (not completely sure, since was away until March).

    Anyway paid from aerobicxlife@hotmail.com over PayPal.


    If any staff member could get back to me, that would be great, just want this resolved before it's too late.

    Quite a few of the Mewtwo donations were never re-claimed after the rollback. I'll look into this one for you and get back to you. But I'd just like to point out it will never be "too late" If you did in fact donate then you will get the Mewtwo(s) or your money back. There is no sense in me keeping either of them from you. Even three years later I will still have records of the donations that were lost and the donators will receive their Mewtwo's.

    Where would you like me to reply to you? In game or here on the forums? Preferably through private messaging.

  3. The guides are currently being reworked and migrated to the Wiki (http://www.pokemonmountain.com/) So don't expect the guides here on the forums to be kept up to date or take any further shape.

    This is the specific page you're looking for: http://www.pokemonmountain.com/wiki/Sidequests

    The prizes and rates of each have not yet been added to it though. The wiki is a community project so feel free to contribute to it yourself, we welcome new editors all the time.

  4. Rotom (Halloween) was given out to people who defeated a trainer in the Event Center called Creeper which lasted a week starting October 31st 2015.

    Beat it once for a Normal Rotom (Halloween) and beat the rematch with more powerful Pokémon to get a random special type.

  5. As said, for now there is no way without re-purchasing moves to move them around which can become quite costly especially with powerful moves like Explosion.

    Attack re-ordering is something I have planned for v4 but not yet done. It's on the list so for now while it's not available, there's some peace of mind to know it's on the way.

  6. When they're released.

    Pokémon Sun and Moon aren't even out yet and we've only seen a very small amount of Pokémon from it.

    The two games release in November 2016 so it will be some time around then when they're added to Vortex.

  7. Noooo, no no no.

    Sorry, I appreciate the time and research you may have put into this but we don't need "rates" especially not as a guide. People do not have to stick to a certain trade value on anything because it is not the same for every user.

    Let me explain a few things;

    The main problem is that one specific Pokemon can have a high value to yourself because you actually like the Pokémon. Whereas to someone else it could just be something to finish off a small or large collection.

    The collection base also has various values because if it is a last Pokémon someone needs for a collection, for example, then they will obviously be willing to give a lot more than the average user would just so they can finish it up.

    In whole, Pokémon are as valuable as you make them, no one has to stick to any specific rate and if you want 10,000,000 experience for your Dark Lugia because it took you 3 weeks to find, by all means ask for it. If you want just a legendary for legendary trade for your Dark Lugia because you don't even like it - The same applies.

    I hope this clears up the problem I have with people trying to apply fixed rates on trades. It's nothing personal and again, thank you for wanting to contribute to our guide section, this just isn't the kind of thing I'd be looking to keep in it.


    To avoid confusion here's some clear-up about v4.


    • No, you will NOT have to restart anything. v3 accounts will carry over to v4 with everything you have from Pokémon to badges.
    • Yes you will have the same usernames and passwords.
    • There is no release date set, this is just a teaser to let you know it is in the works and has been for a short while now.
    • Send us cake and we'll work on it a lot quicker. We like cake.


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