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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by Patrick

  1. False Swipe doesn't have the same ability in Pokémon Vortex as it does with the main series on the Nintendo DS.

    Eventually it will but for now it doesn't drop a Pokémon's health to 1HP, it has a set damage and can kill the opponent.

  2. You need to complete the battle fully. This means press continue after it says the Pokémon has been caught. The next one you try to catch, it will say your Victini has been caught again and it will be in your Pokémon.

    Remember to completely finish the battles before leaving to avoid this in the future.

  3. 25 minutes ago, himanshu24092002 said:

    on main page of wiki there is a option called event with sidequest, pokedex etc. when we open this it show there is nothing added to it what can we add to it 


    9 minutes ago, Sneezeball said:

    All events that happened with what Pokemon were on them.

    Yes, what @Sneezeball said is what will be added. However, I have protected and reserved the tab pages for myself. When I have them done, they will be able to be edited by members with anything they feel I have missed or better word it and so on.

  4. wikibanner.png.aaca563617fd276cb4f737dd5

    We've had a wiki in the works for quite some time now and we wanted it to be a bit more complete before it was actually released but then we thought, it's for the community, why not let them help make it more complete.

    All that Vortex knowledge cooking up in your head, throw it onto the wiki. However, don't just dive in creating pages for Pokémon than the content reads "I like this Pokémon" - That's not what a wiki is for. Be sure to read our guidelines and about page for wiki editing. If you're an experienced wiki editor already then feel free to jump straight to it and help get some new articles up.

    Here is an example page for Ivysaur: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Ivysaur

    This is generally how every Pokémon page will look and the contents within it so use it as a template. This page is protected so people can't edit it while it is being used by others as a template. If you feel we missed some information on the Ivysaur page or would like to see something have more detail then let me know and I'll see about getting it added.

    If you want some custom CSS or JavaScript added to make a particular page function and look nicer, again, let me know and I'll see what I can do. This one is a bit more likely to be declined though so if you do want either of these customised for a page, please detail why when requesting it.


    • Upvote 5
  5. You can download an IRC app on smartphones and connect to the chat through that. Some apps are: Andchat, IRCCloud and Colloquy

    Connection information:

    Server/Host - irc.pokemon-vortex.com

    Port - 6667

    IRCCloud - iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/app/irccloud/id672699103

    IRCCloud - Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.irccloud.android

    AndChat - Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.andchat&hl=en_GB

    Colloquy - iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/colloquy-irc-client/id302000478?mt=8

  6. I have thought of something to this effect before and it would be very helpful.

    Now the thing with it is, people have a tendency to report things that do not need reporting just for the hell of it and then you get some people who will spam report probably to annoy us.

    The second one can be contained with a flood control making it so you can only report one message every hour or so.

    The first problem still persists and will cause a lot of wasted time but I'll definitely think of a way it can be done because I want something like this myself.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Starkban said:

    I play the Mobile version too.

    I'm stuck on level 120, Mega Glalie. So since i can't do it, i'm doing the Special and Expert. In Expert i'm in Dragonite.

    Yeah I was on that level myself for quite some time. The mega levels are a pain.

    I've unlocked 19 of the expert levels, done all of them but only caught; Lucario, Venusaur, Charizard, Entei, Xerneas and Yveltal.

    • Upvote 1
  8. clash-of-clans-logo.png

    Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game in which players build a community, train troops, and attack other players to earn gold and elixir, and Dark Elixir, which can be used to build defenses that protect the player from other players' attacks, and to train and upgrade troops. The game also features a pseudo-single player campaign in which the player must attack a series of fortified goblin villages.

    Do you play Clash of Clans? If so what town hall level are you at? Are you a casual player or do you trophy push on the leader boards and rack up those war wins?

    I have quite a few accounts ranging in town hall levels, although I don't really play it much any more but it was once very addictive.

    Here are the accounts I have:

    1  - Town hall 11 with 30/33/14 heroes and maxed troops (Max push was 4148 trophies - It got very boring)

    1 - Town hall 10 with 32/31 heroes and maxed troops (Was used to feed myself troops on my main account ^)

    2 - Town hall 8's (1 maxed troops and defenses - The other maxed troops and no defenses at all)

    1 - Town hall 7 (Maxed troops and defenses)

    1 - Town hall 3 (Because lol)

    I used to war a lot when all of my accounts were lower so the defenseless town hall 8 was used to majorly give me an advantage in the war match up (Which is very flawed)

  9. Something I worked on a while back for funsies, because y'know, why not?

    So you have a few images but you're not a dab hand in PhotoShop to get that animated feeling you want. No worries, CSS3 Keyframes will do the job for you.

    You can use separate images or compile them to one image if you like, I've decided to go with the latter in my example.

    Here it is in action: https://jsfiddle.net/Equinox04/30ueptj2/7/ Watch that Gyarados use his not so special attack.

    Here is the code:


    .movement {
        width: 80px;
        height: 80px;
        background-image: url("http://i67.tinypic.com/316q1pv.jpg");
        -webkit-animation: play .4s steps(4, end) infinite;
        -moz-animation: play .4s steps(4, end) infinite;
        -ms-animation: play .4s steps(4, end) infinite;
        -o-animation: play .4s steps(4, end) infinite;
        animation: play .4s steps(4, end) infinite;
    @-webkit-keyframes play {
        from {
    		background-position: 0px;
        to {
        	background-position: -320px;
    @-moz-keyframes play {
        from {
    		background-position: 0px;
        to {
    		background-position: -320px;
    @-ms-keyframes play {
        from {
          background-position: 0px;
        to {
    		background-position: -320px;
    @-o-keyframes play {
        from {
        	background-position: 0px;
        to {
        	background-position: -320px;


    <div class="movement"></div>

    Yes, it's as simple as that.

    • Upvote 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Pheonix Lancing said:

    Just curious... If we have our own map ideas, can we submit them here? Also, I like the electric map we have NOW because it's more... electricy (If that's a word). I feel as if the one that is there now, is more sad (i.e. broken windows, torn-up roof etc.). If we colored it black it would make a great ghost map thought! 

    Yeah, of course. I love seeing creative art work from members and I'm more than happy to consider it as an addition to the game if it's nicely done.

    I always poke around the art forums so if you were to make any maps you can post them here for other people to critique or you can submit work directly to us here: http://forums.pokemon-vortex.com/forum/40-provide-ideas-feedback/ 

    Just bare in mind, I'm not easily impressed - Most of the time I don't even like my own finished work :$

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