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Status Replies posted by Zamir

  1. Hi Patrick
    I can't choose to evolve my shiny Pikachu into shiny Raichu (Alolan), I can only choose to evolve it into shiny Raichu. Why is that? I want to evolve it into shiny Raichu (Alolan), hope you can help.

    1. Zamir


      Oh okay, thanks. I bet the Alola region is the last, because it's the latest, so it's gonna take some time... :/

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. So what mission is everyone on and how do you like the event so far? (It's okay to say you don't like it)

    1. Zamir


      I dont like it actually, i have been stuck at mission 5 for 3 days now.... Really annoying

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  3. Today is a sad and happy day for me. Sad in vortex forum and game and happy in life
    Today I got something that I was looking for 3 years and with that I will have to leave the Pokémon vortex after 8 long years playing the game.
    I will have to work and continue studying at the same time so I will not have time to play the game, I do not know when I can play it again so I can not be sure if I will come back. Soon I will give my account to someone and give up the game.
    Thanks from heart to @Patrick and all of the vortex for the support. I will continue in the forum and chats, I will probably read / write English better than before (I know it's horrible), because I will do a good course.
    Thanks for the 8 years of happiness that Pokémon Vortex gave me and I'm glad I could have played this wonderful game. I could split another account or mine with someone, but I do not think I'll have a good experience this time.
    I will give my account to @Mikeroller, so when you see this message, please contact me and I will deliver it to you. PS: You've been more loyal to me in the past than other people. :T_T:

    PS: Repeat, I will not leave the chat and the forum, I will continue doing tutorials in the forum in Portuguese and participating in the discussions in the forum. I'm just leaving the game for not having the time.

    1. Zamir


      Goodbye, i had also left Vortex for some years, but i came back some few months ago and now im addicted again to the game, i hope you will came back, maybe even the same way as me :)

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. For now I can't find any mystic


    1. Zamir


      I dont know if it is supposed to mean something or not

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  5. For now I can't find any mystic


    1. Zamir


      Yesterday i saw a Dratini at that map also, but not the same place as where your Dratini is. Btw mine is gone now.
      Also i mean Dratini like ON the map, literally like a player.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  6. For now I can't find any mystic


    1. Zamir


      It took me 1 hour to find mystic Pichu
      I think it would be better if it was mystic Dratini without specific lvl BUT with specific gender

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. a8608da7259b49f38cf544592d995708.png

    1. Zamir


      Maybe not from the forum, but some people have got it and 2 players are already at the last mission

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. For now I can't find any mystic


    1. Zamir


      I've caught 2 mystic, 1 male and 1 female, but both not lvl 5... :(

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  9. a8608da7259b49f38cf544592d995708.png

    1. Zamir


      HAHAHA so true. I have caught 2 mystic Dratini's, 1 male and 1 female but both not lvl 5 :T_T:Mystic Dratini

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. So what mission is everyone on and how do you like the event so far? (It's okay to say you don't like it)

    1. Zamir


      Im at #5, and i must say its really hard, maybe even a bit too hard and takes a long time. But i guess i like it... kinda

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hi Patrick
    I have caught a normal Charmander lvl 5 female as it says in mission #3 in the event center, but it keeps saying: " The gender requirement has not been met." Why does it do that? It's really annoying and i hope you can help me pls. :/
    My IGN: Zamir, you can look my profile and see that i do have a female Charmander lvl 5.

    1. Zamir


      Yes i know Haisum, sorry it wasnt my intention to sound angry or mad.
      Baris thank you very much, that was the problem. It was checking the first Charmander only :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hi Patrick
    I have caught a normal Charmander lvl 5 female as it says in mission #3 in the event center, but it keeps saying: " The gender requirement has not been met." Why does it do that? It's really annoying and i hope you can help me pls. :/
    My IGN: Zamir, you can look my profile and see that i do have a female Charmander lvl 5.

    1. Zamir


      Yes i know? Im not dumb, and it is 2 females Charmander lvl 5

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hi Patrick
    I have caught a normal Charmander lvl 5 female as it says in mission #3 in the event center, but it keeps saying: " The gender requirement has not been met." Why does it do that? It's really annoying and i hope you can help me pls. :/
    My IGN: Zamir, you can look my profile and see that i do have a female Charmander lvl 5.

    1. Zamir


      I have now caught 2 lvl 5 female Charmander, and it still says the same... " The gender requirement has not been met." :T_T:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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