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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by 990295233HEREWATSUP

  1. Vortex staff i have some good ideas. I guess we need to introduce banking system on vortex.

    1) You can introduce Fixed deposits where any member puts in like say 1 mil money and locks it for 1 year then his money would be unlocked after a year. Like this players will learn the system of banks and try to save their money.

    2) Introduce some pokemons where you will have to pay EMI inorder to keep the poke with u r self.(mimikyu forms)

    3) Allowing the users to take credit from bank say 1 mil and the players will have to pay interest to the bank in return.

  2. Sadly you were scammed!

    Instead of offering pokemons on his trade list u could have auctioned it and told him the auction id to bid.

    This method could be helpful.

  3. You cannot shift from day to night or night to day in v4 hope u know that.

    Its is according to the server timing in United Kingdom. UK follows Gmt.


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