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Pokémon Vortex


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About X-806666

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  1. hi can I plz get my discord ban lifted it has ban 6 hours since I have been banned I loved talking to people and trading.

    Pokemon Vortex is one of my favorite games. 

    Plz Plz my discord name is airforceproud95

  2. can I plz get my discord ban lifted it has ban 6 hours since I have been banned I loved talking to people and trading.

    Pokemon Vortex is one of my favorite games. 

    Plz Plz my discord name is airforceproud95

  3. can I get my discord ban lifted I loved talking to people and trading.


    Plz Plz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sneezeball


      1. It would help if you provide your discord username
      2. Ask a moderator that banned you
    3. X-806666


      my discord username is airforceproud95 



    4. X-806666


      how can i find out what moderator banned me


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