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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by jesterv786

  1. What ? Zapdos galarian worth 10m more than moltres galarian 😂
  2. Levic1234 put it up for trade for me and we had a deal Then I offered poke he asked Then he's offline 😑 He'll probably be back
  3. No he just wants it so it's ok to pay a few pds not like 10m or something 1m is fine
  4. And shiny Arceus fairy is not 200m No poke is worth that much Maybe dracovish and shiny Arceus unknown can But shiny Arceus fairy is nowhere near 200m it's far less
  5. You're not being nice , all of the poke you ask make a total of 6m Solgaleo is about 900k to 1.1 m So it's total unfair
  6. 200m pds , I'll sell one of anyone buys it
  7. You're offering more bro Pikachu jedi and Pikachu christmas are just old and overpriced And it's nowhere near mystic necrozma So be wise Even both is less Don't let anyone fool you
  8. Those poke are old poke and not as value a your offerings 😑
  9. Wow this guy invented a new technique to evolve it 🤣🤣
  10. Wait can I get all poke if I get all those comments l
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