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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by TheBakedPotato

  1. What do you want for shiny ash greninja? CHeck my pokes ign tritre
  2. Ign thebakedpotato May7be do challenges of legendary pokemon hunting?
  3. I will also give shiny caterpie christmas 1m xp
  4. I will offer mewqtwo evo and kyuem white and 10 leggies and all 3 rotom forms (which are events)
  5. @inteleon and @blood7411 Pls wait I will need to hunt it since I dont have it right now. Will let you know when I do!
  6. Can you let me know its worth please? Will be glad to know. Thx
  7. Sure. BTW Solgaleo is up for trade How much can you give for eternatus?
  8. Mention any. Check out this account tritre
  9. like how much in a day? I need to know that
  10. Thank you for asking, according to discord shiy eternatus is worth 2m-3m
  11. @inteleon Sorry for being offline so long and @Anrose zacian is 100k but dracovish is very rare sorry I dont think I can get it :(
  12. O, that would be 100k, is it ok?
  13. Shadow zacian is worth 7m, but sorry, I think I cant hunt for that being a unique legend, its very hard to get one. Thank you for asking!
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