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Everything posted by TheBakedPotato

  1. @inteleon and @blood7411 I can still sell them for 1m tho @SofiX is right.
  2. Thank you for buyig twice from my shop!
  3. Hey, please wait a few days, me and my brother are getting a bit more prizes
  4. @Anrose I found mystic jangmo-o Me and my friend hunted it together and he gave it to me. Is it ok if its mystic and not normie?
  5. Sure, that'll be 30k, Ill list it for trade, kindly offer. Thank you!
  6. I have accepted! Please bid on my poke ball now. Thank you for buying from my shop! Hope you have a good day!
  7. Yeah 55k is nice! You can offer first
  8. Ohk its up for trade. Pls offer a trash poke and then bid on my poke ball
  9. Hey are you still interested or you got your wimpod? Pls reply. Thank you!
  10. Sure, that'll be 30k. Thanks again! Ill put it for trade, you can increase the price of previous pokeball if its ok.
  11. Sure! Thanks for buying again! I currently have 1 shiny, 1 normal, 1 mystic and 1 metallic! Which variant do you want?
  12. Will list it for trade and pokeball for auction. Thank you. I’ll try my best to find jangmo-o but I first need to complete order of shiny vulpix alolan
  13. That shall be 300k Will notify you when done
  14. Oh, what should they be? Pls let me know.
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