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  1. billabob's post in How to Make a Quote Box in my Bio? was marked as the answer   
    [quote] quote box [/quote]
    [b] bold [/b]
    [u] underlined [/u]
    [i] itallic [/i]
    [s] strike-out [/s]
    [sub] subscript [/sub]
    [sup] superscript [/sup]
  2. billabob's post in Do Master Balls work on UBs? was marked as the answer   
    No, only beast balls or vortex balls will work. If you find one you'll just have to waste it so don't hunt in UB routes if you don't have a beast/vortex ball spare
  3. billabob's post in I have been getting this . . . was marked as the answer   
    There's nothing to fix, it's a feature. If there was no throttle on battling then you'd see people with 6 windows open completing a battle every second or something. It also makes sure there's a level playing field, where everyone can train at roughly the same rate regardless of how good their Internet or computer are (unless they're really bad lol)
    Just because you got banned doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on people asking questions on the forum. Go take a walk and calm yourself down
  4. billabob's post in Spawn rate of a necrozma? was marked as the answer   
    Spawn rates aren't public. It's a tier rarer than legendaries, so it'll take you hours to days to find one. Make sure you have a beast/vortex ball in your inventory or you'll be unable to catch it.
  5. billabob's post in Rarest pokemon in vortex v5 was marked as the answer   
    Pink Rhyhorn
  6. billabob's post in Pokémon avatar question was marked as the answer   
    It's a 1/6 chance when you redeem a promo. So your chances of getting it after 2 promos were 30.5%. Decently lucky
  7. billabob's post in Game fps drop in map section was marked as the answer   
    Make sure hardware acceleration is turned on in your browser settings. For me the difference is between smooth gameplay and absolutely unplayable.
  8. billabob's post in experience was marked as the answer   
    There are 2 main reasons why your total XP might decrease:
    First, obviously, if you sell, trade, release or list a Pokemon for trade its XP will no longer be on your account.
    Secondly, if you had another user train XP on your Pokemon and then that person is banned for botting, all XP they ever trained will be reverted. This is rare but it happens, for example when Rehabilitated was banned for botting the top Pokemon leaderboard lost a few billion lol. Sometimes this even results in happiness evolution Pokemon being reverted back to a lower level than is usually possible, like a level 5 Lopunny. 
  9. billabob's post in Is this normal? was marked as the answer   
    How much health did it have? If the health is too high it's not possible to catch, but if something has under 50 or so health (I don't know the exact threshold) it's much much more likely to be caught
  10. billabob's post in Cheating..? was marked as the answer   
    I don't think it's allowed, IIRC people have been banned for doing that with daily login event Pokemon. Either way just catch starters yourself it doesn't take that long
  11. billabob's post in A Variant Cosmog Q. was marked as the answer   
    Going by Hangry counts from the Pokedex. I estimate there's about a 1/12 chance, maybe it's 8%, of getting a variant from quiz shop. Assuming all the variants are equally likely (I'm fairly sure they are) that means 1/60 for a shiny. I've bought 83 Morpeko (Hangry) and gotten 0 shinies, 0 shadows, 2 darks, 2 mystics and 2 metallics. My rates would be 1/13.8 so I'm on the unlucky side
  12. billabob's post in A Variant Cosmog Q. was marked as the answer   
    Going by Hangry counts from the Pokedex. I estimate there's about a 1/12 chance, maybe it's 8%, of getting a variant from quiz shop. Assuming all the variants are equally likely (I'm fairly sure they are) that means 1/60 for a shiny. I've bought 83 Morpeko (Hangry) and gotten 0 shinies, 0 shadows, 2 darks, 2 mystics and 2 metallics. My rates would be 1/13.8 so I'm on the unlucky side
  13. billabob's post in [answered!]Can you catch multiples of the same legendary? was marked as the answer   
    Yes. You can even get multiple shinies, I've caught 8 Latias and not a single one was normal. I was looking for a normal one but I gave up after a while
  14. billabob's post in Starters was marked as the answer   
    What you said isn't true in the first place, so no
  15. billabob's post in Battle Weightage was marked as the answer   
    Yes, it's just the battle count, it doesn't matter who the battle was against. But beating stronger Pokemon with weaker Pokemon will give more XP so it does affect it, just not in the battle count
  16. billabob's post in Cosmoem problem was marked as the answer   
    It needs to be night in your local timezone in real life, not just on the game.
  17. billabob's post in Why are there some gen 4 Pokémon in Johto sidequest? was marked as the answer   
    Lickilicky is in there too which always struck me as weird. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a simple mistake from having to make hundreds of teams for the sidequests
  18. billabob's post in How do I get a Shiny or any other form of cosmog? was marked as the answer   
    As Ade said it's a random chance when you buy a Cosmog from the quiz store. Anecdotally I've bought 50 Morpeko (Hangry) recently and got 5 uniques, you might have better or worse luck than me. There's 1700 normal Hangries and 150 variants, so the rate looks like it's about 1/10 to 1/12
    Save up a ton of coins so you can buy multiple at once to avoid getting yourself too disappointed
  19. billabob's post in Galar fossils was marked as the answer   
    Rehabilitated got perma-banned with all except 2 of the Galar fossil variants, he was the only person mass buying Galar fossils so he had the majority of the copies in existence. They're all deleted now
  20. billabob's post in Currency was marked as the answer   
    It converts the currency, premium costs $15 and I was charged £11.36
  21. billabob's post in Mystery boxes was marked as the answer   
    Like with many things in this game the exact rates aren't published.
    You'll get ~3 top tier boxes from opening 70 iirc but it varies wildly depending on your luck
  22. billabob's post in Promos was marked as the answer   
    Promo codes for event Pokemon like Missingno are only obtained from Mystery Boxes. More details here https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Mystery_Boxes
  23. billabob's post in (sorry for doing again) Promos was marked as the answer   
    Did you really have to go through and do the trubbish react on all my posts?? They come from mystery boxes, there's nothing more to say, I don't know what more you're expecting to hear lol
  24. billabob's post in SCREENSHOTS was marked as the answer   
    Upload the image to a hosting site like imgur.com and use the "insert image from URL" button. 
  25. billabob's post in How do people get almost 100,000 seasonal points? was marked as the answer   
    Getting 100,000 points will cost you pretty much the entire month. Usually they train a couple hundred million's worth of immunes caught before the current season to maximise XP without increasing their Pokemon count (which would decrease average XP). As far as I'm aware, listing a Pokemon you caught this season for trade will not increase your average XP.
    If you're going for a top 4 position make sure you've adequately prepared yourself for the grind. Make sure you have ~8,000 immunes and time to train them. And make sure you have a plan to get yourself 2000-3000 unique Pokemon because it's not trivial to do so
    In short, stock up thousands of immunes on an alt. Pick out a month that will be convenient for you. And grind, grind, grind
    ETA: the seasonal points formula is not public knowledge, the formula you listed would give DementedAlbatross 1,546,759 points (sqrt(396,150,454)*sqrt(220,573)*sqrt(1,794)*log(8,066)/1000) but of course he has 93,305. You should still try to prioritise balancing your stats and seeing which of the four gives you the most points in the shortest time.
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