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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Smexydaddy

  1. Ign: Smexydaddy I would like the victini if you get ahold of one. Thx
  2. Hey like title says new to the game and just have a few questions I would like answers to thx. 1. Is there a in game map to see your location and to figure out your destination? Atm im just wondering around aimlessly trying to find road signs lol 2. Is there a way to fast travel between towns? 3. I see the pokedex but how do I see the location of which the pokemon spawn at? 4. Is there a active group chat to stay active with other members and actually ask these questions/social with? Most sites have it on the page but dont see one. 5. How do i get a event calendar? Says i unlock it while playing but ive just about did everything in game content alot unfinished still but no event ticket? 6. I see people in explore mode. Is there a way to interact with them chat/trade/ ect.? Thats all I got to ask atm thanks for taking your time to helping a new player or pointing him in the right direction to get help lol
  3. Ign: Smexydaddy Thx for the giveaway ^^ Gl everyone!
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