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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Pikachufan234

  1. My username is pikachufan234. I would like at least one of your Pokemon so I can complete my Pokedex.I saw that these Pokemon are really hard to get. I am also a new player.
  2. I think a great idea is that in The Quays, I noticed a boat in the docks. Maybe you could make an area like the SS Anne from Kanto in it. Also, Upper Steelmouth has a barred off road. Maybe you could add a route or two to a city that could be called something like Lower Steelmouth This may be hard, but maybe you could add some music?
  3. Also, could anyone trade me a normal/Xmas Pikachu? The Pokemon I am offering for that are the same as the Growlithe excluding shiny volbeat
  4. Cool! Which one of those Pokemon would you like? (Of the Pokemon in my previous post)
  5. @MasterPlay45 would you like any of the following for Pichu or Leafeon? I will trade these for them: Mystic Mincinno Zygarde cell Metallic Togedemaru Lunatone Shiny Volbeat Shadow Rookidee Metallic Snorunt
  6. With the Zygarde I have both a dark and a regular one.
  7. Heyo! I am looking for anyone to trade a Hisuian Growlithe to me. I can give you in exchange: Mystic Mincinno Zygarde cell Metallic Togedemaru Lunatone Shiny Volbeat Shadow Rookidee Metallic Snorunt
  8. Sure! That sounds neat! Would you like anything in return?
  9. If you don't want that I have some others. Just name it and I will see if I have it
  10. Ok, are any of them available? Sorry @weerboi3
  11. Hi, could I have the Celebi if it is available? Thanks!
  12. Heyo! I was wondering if anyone would like to trade a Hisuian Growlithe to me. I have a Shiny Glameow in exchange for anyone who would like this. Thanks
  13. I think maybe for the live map you should add an option/button to view a "town map" king of thing, because I don't know about anyone else, but I get lost a lot in the map.
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