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Malan Trade Thread

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Welcome to my trade thread!!


Unique for Unique

Normal legend : 3 uniques

M/D/S/M Legend: 7 uniques

Shiny Legend: 10 uniques.

Legends for Legends.

What i'm looking for:

I'm trying to complete the dark dex. You can look at my ign Malan to see wich ones i don't have, or you can give me your ign and i will look what i need. Darks are my priority, but i would also accept other uniques i don't have.

Also, i need these normal legends

Mewtwo PhioneRayquazaLatios

What i have for trade:



Dark ShayminDark SuicuneDiancieGenesectx2 LandorusMetallic GenesectRegirockXerneas (Active)ZapdosTerrakion

Dark Uniques


Dark AlomomolaDark BunnelbyCastform (Water)Dark Combeex2 Dark CyndaquilDark DwebbleDark FerroseedDark HelioptileDark KlefkiDark KoffingDark LarvitarDark LickitungDark MagbyDark PonytaDark RattataDark Ruffletx2 Dark Seviperx2 Dark ShuckleDark SneaselDark SnubbullDark SolrockDark TorkoalDark VanilliteDark VulpixDark ZubatDark KangaskhanDark SpiritombDark Audino

Metallic Uniques


Metallic AudinoMetallic CastformMetallic ChinglingMetallic CuboneMetallic Deinox2 Metallic DruddigonMetallic FerroseedMetallic FletchlingMetallic FoongusMetallic GogoatMetallic GolettMetallic GrowlitheMetallic Heracrossx2 Metallic LitleoMetallic Pawniardx2 Metallic PichuMetallic PonytaMetallic ScraggyMetallic SewaddleMetallic SigilyphMetallic SlugmaMetallic SwabluMetallic TentacoolMetallic TorkoalMetallic WooperMetallic WurmpleMetallic WynautMetallic YanmaMetallic Zubatx2Metallic HelioptileMetallic Pichu (Notched)Metallic RattataMetallic Dedenne

Mystic Uniques


Mystic AronMystic AudinoMystic Burmy (Plant)x2 Mystic Castform (Fire)Mystic Castform (Water)Mystic DarumakaMystic DrowzeeMystic Flabebe (Red)Mystic GlameowMystic HawluchaMystic HeracrossMystic InkayMystic KecleonMystic Larvitarx3 Mystic MagbyMystic MienfooMystic OnixMystic PachirisuMystic Pawniardx2 Mystic RuffletMystic SeelMystic SkarmoryMystic SpindaMystic SpiritombMystic Teddiursax2 Mystic Trapinchx2 Mystic WynautMystic DittoMystic SawkMystic HippopotasMystic GolettMystic SigilyphMystic Stunfisk

Shadow Uniques


Shadow Aronx2 Shadow BonslyShadow BudewShadow Burmy (Steel)x2 Shadow DarumakaShadow DunsparceShadow Electrikex2Shadow ElgyemShadow FerroseedShadow FinneonShadow Foongusx2Shadow FrillishShadow GirafarigShadow GolettShadow Grimerx2Shadow HelioptileShadow HoundourShadow KrabbyShadow LilligantShadow LillipupShadow Litleox2 Shadow MagnemiteShadow MeowthShadow Nosepassx2 Shadow PansearShadow PawniardShadow PichuShadow PoochyenaShadow Rattatax2 Shadow Rhyhornx2 Shadow RuffletShadow ScraggyShadow SigilyphShadow SkiddoShadow Slugmax2Shadow SmeargleShadow SmoochumShadow StarlyShadow TorkoalShadow TrapinchShadow TrubbishShadow VolbeatShadow WynautShadow Yamaskx2Shadow ThrohShadow DedenneShadow DurantShadow Pichu (Notched)Shadow Tynamo

Shiny Uniques


Shiny AronShiny BidoofShiny CarbinkShiny Castform (Fire)Shiny Castform (Ice)Shiny CherubiShiny CombeeShiny Drilburx2 Shiny DunsparceShiny ElekidShiny Elgyemx2Shiny FeebasShiny Fennekinx2Shiny Ferroseedx2Shiny Flabebe (White)Shiny Flabebe (Yellow)Shiny Foongusx2Shiny HawluchaShiny HeatmorShiny InkayShiny Joltikx2Shiny KricketotShiny LunatoneShiny MaractusShiny Meowthx2Shiny Mime Jr.Shiny NincadaShiny PachirisuShiny PansageShiny Pawniardx2Shiny Pidovex2    Shiny Ponytax2Shiny Ruffletx2 Shiny SeelShiny SkarmoryShiny SmeargleShiny Solosisx2Shiny Swablux2Shiny TentacoolShiny ThrohShiny TorkoalShiny Trubbishx2 Shiny TrapinchShiny VolbeatShiny Voltorbx2Shiny WurmpleShiny Wynautx2Shiny DucklettShiny DittoShiny RhyhornShiny ShuckleShiny DwebbleShiny CuboneShiny Espurrx2Shiny IllumiseShiny Koffing

Finally, i'm looking for these patterns of Vivilion: Garden, Meadow, Modern, Ocean, Polar and Tundra. My pattern is Vivillon (Sandstorm).


I'm constantle getting new pokemon, so i will update this thread frequently.

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Vivillon (Sandstorm)for your Vivillon? For the Zygarde i can give you another legend or some uniques. Just check what i have for trade and tell me in you're interested in something!

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1 hour ago, Alan Solis said:

Vivillon (Sandstorm)for your Vivillon? For the Zygarde i can give you another legend or some uniques. Just check what i have for trade and tell me in you're interested in something!

OK then they are both up for trade? Ign: twixero

by any chance do you have a Shiny SableyeI'll take that for the zygarde!

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I would like these uniques:



  • Alomomola
  • Audino
  • Bunnelby
  • Castform (Water)
  • Combee
  • Combee
  • Cyndaquil


  • Audino
  • Castform
  • Chingling
  • Cubone


  • Aron
  • Audino
  • Burmy (Plant)
  • Burmy (Plant)
  • Castform (Fire)
  • Castform (Water)


  • Aron
  • Aron
  • Bonsly
  • Budew
  • Burmy (Steel)
  • Burmy (Steel)


  • Aron
  • Bidoof
  • Carbink
  • Castform (Fire)
  • Castform (Ice)
  • Cherubi
  • Combee
  • Cubone

There's 23 D/Me/My/Sa uniques on the list, and 8 Shinies. My IGN is StarPonyta20. Check there for what you need. What I don't have up for trade, isn't up for trading. Knock yourself out. Also, my Vivillon type is Garden, what will you give me for a Metallic/Normal Vivillon? That's the one exception to my "not UFT" rule, I'll still have to evolve them.

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If i understand right, you only trade what you have UFT right? But when i look, i only find 2 normal legends and a coupple of zygarde cells. I'm not interested in that

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