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twixeros trade thread

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2 hours ago, DannyV said:

Are u trading ur shadow rayquaza for those two of mine or do u want to give me those two for a shadow rayquaza?  

Sorry, should have make it more clear. My genesect and eevee for your rayquaza

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5 hours ago, Dirty Money said:

Sorry, should have make it more clear. My genesect and eevee for your rayquaza

Sorry I dont like genesect and I already have one 


3 hours ago, Alan Solis said:

Hi bro! @DannyV


I can train 4M for this legends, are you interested?

Metallic ArticunoMetallic TornadusMystic AzelfMystic LatiasMystic LatiosMystic RegiceMystic SuicuneShadow MoltresShadow Registeel

No bro sorry I would do 4 legends max for lower exp according to my rates for one reason and that is that I don't want to loose many legends for exp I'll do some for exp because I'm not looking for exp rather I want to trade legend for legend and exp for some but not a bunch u get me? 


@GodsWithin sorry can't do that I only have a shiny rotom I actually needed it for my dex 

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1 hour ago, DannyV said:

Sorry I dont like genesect and I already have one 


No bro sorry I would do 4 legends max for lower exp according to my rates for one reason and that is that I don't want to loose many legends for exp I'll do some for exp because I'm not looking for exp rather I want to trade legend for legend and exp for some but not a bunch u get me? 


@GodsWithin sorry can't do that I only have a shiny rotom I actually needed it for my dex 

Can i pick a different Shiny Legend instead? Or 2 more shadow ones?

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1 hour ago, DannyV said:

Sorry I dont like genesect and I already have one 


No bro sorry I would do 4 legends max for lower exp according to my rates for one reason and that is that I don't want to loose many legends for exp I'll do some for exp because I'm not looking for exp rather I want to trade legend for legend and exp for some but not a bunch u get me? 


@GodsWithin sorry can't do that I only have a shiny rotom I actually needed it for my dex 


Makes sense, I understand. What about my Shiny Garchompwith 1.5m for Shadow Rayquazaand Shiny Groudon

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1 hour ago, DannyV said:

I will not be giving away shiny legends that I only have singles of because I'm completing the shiny dex  sorry aout that @Dirty Money

No worries!! I just assumed you had two since it was on the trade list. Completely understand, best of luck completing the dex :^_^:

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1 hour ago, seth1129400 said:

can give u 900 k exp on a Sableye (Mega)if u give me Giratinaand Shiny Kyogre

Sorry my number 9 rule was only accepting unique pokemon that have exp not normal ones bro 


1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Shiny Kyogre?

Which pokemon is the one u have the exp on? 

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1 hour ago, DannyV said:

Sorry my number 9 rule was only accepting unique pokemon that have exp not normal ones bro 


Which pokemon is the one u have the exp on? 

okay then Shiny Togekisswith 600 k exp for Shiny Kyogre 

or Shiny Eeveewith 1.15 million exp for Shiny Kyogre AND Shadow Rayquaza

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1 hour ago, seth1129400 said:

okay i will offer right away but please tell do u like the other offer as well 

Yes the other offer is fine too but I was working a deal for Tha s hadow rayquaza with two other people if they don't agree I'll make the offer or I can just trade tge kyogre for the togekiss right now or u can wait to see of the others don't want the shadow rayquaza anymore ? Up to u...

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1 hour ago, DannyV said:

Yes the other offer is fine too but I was working a deal for Tha s hadow rayquaza with two other people if they don't agree I'll make the offer or I can just trade tge kyogre for the togekiss right now or u can wait to see of the others don't want the shadow rayquaza anymore ? Up to u...

its fine with me but lets just final this deal,  u can offer the shiny kyogre on shiny togekiss , its uft, i will get to u for more trades and please tell r u still trading Shiny Arceusand if yes , for  what rates

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1 hour ago, seth1129400 said:

its fine with me but lets just final this deal,  u can offer the shiny kyogre on shiny togekiss , its uft, i will get to u for more trades and please tell r u still trading Shiny Arceusand if yes , for  what rates

OK then I'll go offer and we'll it's an event pokemon at the moment so it's pretty much the same as other rates bro what's ur ign?

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1 hour ago, DannyV said:

OK then I'll go offer and we'll it's an event pokemon at the moment so it's pretty much the same as other rates bro what's ur ign?

oh already offered for the shiny kyogre, yeah i understand its an event so okay, sorry to disturb u again and again but please tell r u traiding theseShiny GiratinaShiny DialgaShiny PalkiaShiny DarkrownShiny Darkrai

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11 hours ago, GodsWithin said:

I have the 1.2 mil on Shiny Munchlaxis that fine?

Yes thats fine bro 


11 hours ago, seth1129400 said:

oh already offered for the shiny kyogre, yeah i understand its an event so okay, sorry to disturb u again and again but please tell r u traiding theseShiny GiratinaShiny DialgaShiny PalkiaShiny DarkrownShiny Darkrai

Yes i am bro 


11 hours ago, Scheryar Saqib said:

@DannyV u still havent replied yet?

Do you have a shiny mewtwo? Not mega one? 

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