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legendary encounters

should the chance of legendaries be increaed from 0.1% to 0.2%  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. i feel like we should rase the chances of a legendary encounter, I think this because it isnt realy fair that people such as people have to spend hours trying to find a legendar

    • keep at 0.01%
    • raise it to 0.02%
    • raise it past 0.02%

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I think it's already perfect.

Maybe they can do weekly events and between any of these events, they put double encounter for legend and ultra beast or just one of the two depending on how they are going to do. I already gave an idea about daily missions and events (with this same resource) weekly and with limited time. The player who completed them (probably would be a tier A or maybe S mission), could win as a prize, a time of 30min of legendary double encounter

link to my suggestion (to make it clearer what I said.)


Edited by Z-Alchemist
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