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Tejs’s training and trading hub!

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                                                    Tejs’s training hub!                                  


                                                                               *training open*                                                                                 

instructions: send me a trade request with your exp needed Pokémon, I will accept it, I’ll train it until it has the exp which you want, I’ll send a trade request, you accept it, and I will trade you back your Pokémon trained fully until how much you want!


                                                                 Let’s train


hi everyone! This my first training hub I have ever made!(if I can edit this, then this will be in progress), I will train your Pokémon 50,000 exp, every 5 exp = to 1PD (pokedollar). if you see this *training closed* then that means I won’t be taking any orders, but if you see this *training open* then that means I can take orders again!(of course I will). These are the Pokémon which will be in stock: 3 in stock(1 suicune,1 virizion, 1 flygon) scroll down to see how much of these Pokémon are in stock better. Happy training! Scroll down to find out how to train! (Scroll down only if you can, but if you can’t, it might be showing the topic in full screen so you don’t have to scroll) my username is: tejs, search the Pokémon listed below in my trade list and offer a trade, if the offer is good enough, I’ll accept!        
                                 More Pokémon will restock soon…



       out                   1                     1                 Out                  1                  1                   1                   1                  1                  1

Of stock           In stock            In stock           Of stock         In stock         In stock        In stock          In stock         In stock         In stock

  Suicune          Virizion              Flygon             Zoroark        Hawlucha    Kangaskhan   Pidgeotto           Snover          Groudon         Dialga


**training has been shut down because of a problem which is occurring… please come again later…**

well I have another way to train! Instructions:

send me a trade request and trade me your training needed Pokémon, I’ll train it how much and type you want, like evolving, exp increasing, and more! And when the Pokémon will reach it’s needed amount of training (which you wanted), I’ll give it back 100%!


happy training and trading! :)            


Edited by Tejs
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4 minutes ago, Tejs said:

    ️                                              Tejs’s training hub!                                  




                                                                 Let’s train



hi everyone! This my first training hub I have ever made!(if I can edit this, then this will be in progress), and if you see this *training closed* then that means I won’t be taking any trade orders, but if you see this *training open* then that means I can take orders again!(of course I will). These are the Pokémon which will be in stock:


**there is currently nothing in stock, please come again later, pokemon will be restocked…**

Is this a training hub or a trade hub?

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Just now, Fluffyz said:

Is this a training hub or a trade hub?

Welp, it’s both😅😅, the Pokémon will be restocked soon, it’s because I’m still deciding which Pokémon to trade(it’s also because I’m new)

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59 minutes ago, Tejs said:

Welp, it’s both😅😅, the Pokémon will be restocked soon, it’s because I’m still deciding which Pokémon to trade(it’s also because I’m new)

It will get confusing.

Edited by Fluffyz
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