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Some Food For Thought & The Clan Depository System

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Here I am yet again with what will probably be another long post, but I only feel compelled to make them when I feel as if I have something fun, useful, or unique to share! Todays subject matter will be in regards to the "hopefully" upcoming clan depository. In this post I will display some ideas while trying my best to present them in a matter that makes as much sense as possible. I also encourage other people to toss in their own ideas as the only bad ideas are ones not presented. Here we go! (Keep in mind that not every idea is great here and I will not respond to defend my ideas if you say they're "a bad idea")


IDEAS:  I will proceed to explain what these mean systematically below.

  1. Depository Tax
  2. Requests, Deposits, Direct Trades
  3. Availability Setting
  4. Audit Log
  5. Role Responsibility
  6. Ease of Use
  7. Anti-Scam Measures


Depository Tax: Refers to an optional 10% tax that individual members can opt into it if they want to contribute to potential clan held events in the future. If a member decides to opt into this tax 10% of any pokedollars the player would receive via battles only will be deposited directly into a clan "wallet". The money will only be accessible to leaders/co-leaders for redistribution purposes for any givin case scenario i.e. Rewarding a particular player, funding clan events, and other similar use situations.


-Gives the members a valid means to contribute to the clan.-

-Takes pressure off of individual members in terms of hosting events out of pocket.-

-Members who contribute regularly can be recognized.-

-Feature is optional for individual players to avoid risk.-


-Leaders & Co-leaders have access to the funds so there is a technical risk.-



Personal thoughts: I believe this would be a useful tool in terms of allowing a clan to accrue a resource to promote activity with its members. The more active the clan obviously the better the potential for rewards. I feel like members who decide to opt in should have at least a in clan way of being recognized as contributors. It is true there is some potential risk for someone stealing money; however I hope to touch up on this further along in the post.



Requests, Deposits, Direct Trades: Of course this is the bread and butter feature of the whole system! I think this is partially self explanatory; however I feel like there are a couple of points where one can be a bit more obvious and specific here. Deposits are the easiest to explain, any player of the clan is allowed to deposit items into the depository. It will be their choice to place it in there up for grabs, to restrict an item to be for a request, or to designate a specific member to be allowed to accept the deposited item. A Request item is essentially something that would need to be accepted by an Elitest or higher after a member puts in a request for an particular restricted item. A Direct Trade would be an item that can only be claimed by a designated member chosen upon depositing the item.


-Gives the Elitists a role to play in terms of managing the clan.-

-Allows members within the same clan to quick trade.-

-Requests can prevent a single player from hoarding items and reselling for personal gain.-

-Deposits allow members flexibility and options when it comes to what they wish to donate to the Depository.-

-In clan moderation over items distributed via the depository.-


-Any item put into the depository can be taken out especially if its listed as up for grabs.-


            Personal Thoughts: I believe having both the option to direct trade members as well as the request system will make the depository more "Fair Use" it certainly would feel bad if you were attempting to work out a trade only for another member to be struck with a case of greed causing preventable arguments to ensue in my opinion. Direct trade will allow members to conduct business without the need for waiting on things to go through, while request trading allows elitist's and higher to monitor who gets what and allows a form of moderation in the system. Many players dont mind where their items go however if they are feeling generous so the "Free Trade" or "Up For Grabs" option is also a nice option to have in place in my opinion.


Availability Setting: This is just a touch up of the previous "Requests, Deposits, Direct Trades" section. When a member sends something to the depository they should be allowed to determine what level of availability said item has. You can either list is as a free to grab item, a restricted item, or a direct trade item. I also believe that when it comes to pokedollars they can be deposited in bulk as desired in varying amounts; however if the Clan tax system gets implemented that money should be easily separated from amounts obtainable via players deposits. I recommend a clan wallet that can have funds withdrawn from it to be stored into the depository as either a direct trade or a restricted item. Another thing to point out, when it comes to restricted trades an elitest probably shouldn't be allowed to accept their own requests when putting them in for items.




Audit Logs: I think a Log should be available as a resource for leaders and co leaders to use to keep track of various deposits/withdrawals as a deterrent for malicious behavior. Pretty self explanatory. 


Role Responsibility: If you have been reading carefully and paying attention then I'm sure you will already have a grasp of who is allowed to do what in regards to this. 

  • Leader: Access to Logs, Access to "Wallet", Access to Requests Acceptation/Declination, Access to Deposits/Requests
  • Co-Leaders: Access to Logs, Access to "Wallet", Access to Requests Acceptation/Declination, Access to Deposits/Requests 
  • Elitists: Access to Requests Acceptation/Declination, Access to Deposits/Requests
  • Members: Access to Deposits/Requests


Ease Of Use: The only idea here is please allow us to deposit more than one of the same avatar at a time, I know many players who are sitting on literal hoards of avatars(Myself Included) It would just be a nice slice of life thing ❤️ 


Anti-Scam Measures: With any new system that allows players to essentially transfer objects from one player to another, there is always a good chance someone somewhere will find a way to abuse it, that's sadly just a fact of life. I'm sure y'all have read some ways I plan on mitigating this however there are a few more options I have in mind so I will recap some of the methods that can assist us here and explains some others as well.


In Clan Moderation: Using a combination of the Audit Log, and the request system described earlier. This can dissuade the people in charge from abusing any systems by making actions taken publicly available.


Depository Unlock Fee: I think there should be an investment to allow the use of the depository. Something the players can work together to achieve. This will prevent players from making clans for the sole purpose of using the depository exclusively for malicious gains. It can be anything from a minimum amount of clan battles to unlock up to being a viable money sink added into the game. This would be one of those things Patrick can use creatively.


24 Hour Accept/ Decline Period: I also think a player should receive any requested item automatically if their request for a restricted item hasn't been declined within 24 hours of their initial request time. This ensures that no items will be stuck in the depository in the case members go inactive and keeps items out of limbo.


Sorry again for the long post, I hope y'all enjoyed my brains struggle and concepts for what I would consider to be a possible god tier function into the game. I personally want the depository to be more of a useful tool than something that is just there and nobody wants to use because it causes more issues than it solves. These are just one Shuckles ideas here for you to contribute or judge. Be kind and lets continue to work together to make this game even better as the years pass us by!!213MS.png

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This is a great idea. To add on let's look at clan depository from a different angle. All this while we were just looking for ways and means to share multiple items in game. 

As it's clan depository... Why not we have a depository of multiple stats regarding the clan?

The stats could be something like this:

1) Exp contributed by all the 100 members in a form of pie chart. 

2) Total battles of members in a clan again could be represented with multiple charts.

3) Clan peak time. This chart could show when most of the members were active. They could be involved in catching, training or hunting. 

4) Compare our clan stats with other clan stats. Suppose there is a clan which is currently second place. We could compare the stats with the clan above them and one below them. This would exclusively for top 100 clans. Like how many points we are ahead of them or below them. 

5) To add on to my 4th point we should be able to have an option to compare the stats with another clan which we would like to compare. Just like how we all have access to local top trainers of any country we could probably have something like that.


Now let's think of how we can use the money collected in the depository. 

1) What if we had something like clan exp boost? Where in there would be a particular amount of pds fixed for this. When activated the whole clan could get 0.5× more exp than normal. It works as a clan exp boost. Here all members will come together as a clan and would train together. This is not coming for free as we could use the pds collected in depository to activate this. The time can be 30 minutes or an hour.

2) Similar to my 1st point above we could have something like spawn boost. Where in clan leaders could pick a particular variant and we could have a boost in the spawn of a variant for a particular time. 


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4 hours ago, Quintonboy1 said:

Here I am yet again with what will probably be another long post, but I only feel compelled to make them when I feel as if I have something fun, useful, or unique to share! Todays subject matter will be in regards to the "hopefully" upcoming clan depository. In this post I will display some ideas while trying my best to present them in a matter that makes as much sense as possible. I also encourage other people to toss in their own ideas as the only bad ideas are ones not presented. Here we go! (Keep in mind that not every idea is great here and I will not respond to defend my ideas if you say they're "a bad idea")


IDEAS:  I will proceed to explain what these mean systematically below.

  1. Depository Tax
  2. Requests, Deposits, Direct Trades
  3. Availability Setting
  4. Audit Log
  5. Role Responsibility
  6. Ease of Use
  7. Anti-Scam Measures


Depository Tax: Refers to an optional 10% tax that individual members can opt into it if they want to contribute to potential clan held events in the future. If a member decides to opt into this tax 10% of any pokedollars the player would receive via battles only will be deposited directly into a clan "wallet". The money will only be accessible to leaders/co-leaders for redistribution purposes for any givin case scenario i.e. Rewarding a particular player, funding clan events, and other similar use situations.


-Gives the members a valid means to contribute to the clan.-

-Takes pressure off of individual members in terms of hosting events out of pocket.-

-Members who contribute regularly can be recognized.-

-Feature is optional for individual players to avoid risk.-


-Leaders & Co-leaders have access to the funds so there is a technical risk.-



Personal thoughts: I believe this would be a useful tool in terms of allowing a clan to accrue a resource to promote activity with its members. The more active the clan obviously the better the potential for rewards. I feel like members who decide to opt in should have at least a in clan way of being recognized as contributors. It is true there is some potential risk for someone stealing money; however I hope to touch up on this further along in the post.



Requests, Deposits, Direct Trades: Of course this is the bread and butter feature of the whole system! I think this is partially self explanatory; however I feel like there are a couple of points where one can be a bit more obvious and specific here. Deposits are the easiest to explain, any player of the clan is allowed to deposit items into the depository. It will be their choice to place it in there up for grabs, to restrict an item to be for a request, or to designate a specific member to be allowed to accept the deposited item. A Request item is essentially something that would need to be accepted by an Elitest or higher after a member puts in a request for an particular restricted item. A Direct Trade would be an item that can only be claimed by a designated member chosen upon depositing the item.


-Gives the Elitists a role to play in terms of managing the clan.-

-Allows members within the same clan to quick trade.-

-Requests can prevent a single player from hoarding items and reselling for personal gain.-

-Deposits allow members flexibility and options when it comes to what they wish to donate to the Depository.-

-In clan moderation over items distributed via the depository.-


-Any item put into the depository can be taken out especially if its listed as up for grabs.-


            Personal Thoughts: I believe having both the option to direct trade members as well as the request system will make the depository more "Fair Use" it certainly would feel bad if you were attempting to work out a trade only for another member to be struck with a case of greed causing preventable arguments to ensue in my opinion. Direct trade will allow members to conduct business without the need for waiting on things to go through, while request trading allows elitist's and higher to monitor who gets what and allows a form of moderation in the system. Many players dont mind where their items go however if they are feeling generous so the "Free Trade" or "Up For Grabs" option is also a nice option to have in place in my opinion.


Availability Setting: This is just a touch up of the previous "Requests, Deposits, Direct Trades" section. When a member sends something to the depository they should be allowed to determine what level of availability said item has. You can either list is as a free to grab item, a restricted item, or a direct trade item. I also believe that when it comes to pokedollars they can be deposited in bulk as desired in varying amounts; however if the Clan tax system gets implemented that money should be easily separated from amounts obtainable via players deposits. I recommend a clan wallet that can have funds withdrawn from it to be stored into the depository as either a direct trade or a restricted item. Another thing to point out, when it comes to restricted trades an elitest probably shouldn't be allowed to accept their own requests when putting them in for items.




Audit Logs: I think a Log should be available as a resource for leaders and co leaders to use to keep track of various deposits/withdrawals as a deterrent for malicious behavior. Pretty self explanatory. 


Role Responsibility: If you have been reading carefully and paying attention then I'm sure you will already have a grasp of who is allowed to do what in regards to this. 

  • Leader: Access to Logs, Access to "Wallet", Access to Requests Acceptation/Declination, Access to Deposits/Requests
  • Co-Leaders: Access to Logs, Access to "Wallet", Access to Requests Acceptation/Declination, Access to Deposits/Requests 
  • Elitists: Access to Requests Acceptation/Declination, Access to Deposits/Requests
  • Members: Access to Deposits/Requests


Ease Of Use: The only idea here is please allow us to deposit more than one of the same avatar at a time, I know many players who are sitting on literal hoards of avatars(Myself Included) It would just be a nice slice of life thing ❤️ 


Anti-Scam Measures: With any new system that allows players to essentially transfer objects from one player to another, there is always a good chance someone somewhere will find a way to abuse it, that's sadly just a fact of life. I'm sure y'all have read some ways I plan on mitigating this however there are a few more options I have in mind so I will recap some of the methods that can assist us here and explains some others as well.


In Clan Moderation: Using a combination of the Audit Log, and the request system described earlier. This can dissuade the people in charge from abusing any systems by making actions taken publicly available.


Depository Unlock Fee: I think there should be an investment to allow the use of the depository. Something the players can work together to achieve. This will prevent players from making clans for the sole purpose of using the depository exclusively for malicious gains. It can be anything from a minimum amount of clan battles to unlock up to being a viable money sink added into the game. This would be one of those things Patrick can use creatively.


24 Hour Accept/ Decline Period: I also think a player should receive any requested item automatically if their request for a restricted item hasn't been declined within 24 hours of their initial request time. This ensures that no items will be stuck in the depository in the case members go inactive and keeps items out of limbo.


Sorry again for the long post, I hope y'all enjoyed my brains struggle and concepts for what I would consider to be a possible god tier function into the game. I personally want the depository to be more of a useful tool than something that is just there and nobody wants to use because it causes more issues than it solves. These are just one Shuckles ideas here for you to contribute or judge. Be kind and lets continue to work together to make this game even better as the years pass us by!!213MS.png

The clan tax thing is awesome. But what happens to the taxes you paid after you leave the clan or you are kicked out

I think the depository will act like a bank in which all the items, pokemons, pds are and if you need one you can have it according to the availability set.


What we can do with the pds or pokemons in the depository will be distributed as rewards to the highest contributors in total points, clan wins or exp points whichever the clan prioritizes


For example, A clan with a lot of clan battles wins can later incentivize the members to do exp training to gain exp and according to the exp points contributed, the rewards in the depository will be distributed. The rewards will be predetermined and the rewards there can have an availability set accordingly so that no one claims one of the rewards in the middle of the event.

What we also need is a clan event where few clan activities will reward the players with good pokemons, items etc. This clan event will shift everyones interest in the game to their clans and if not in one they will like to join it. If we have it before the depository is made available, this can seriously help the game to throw light on clan, clan depository etc. and increase its usage. We can have this event in such a way that even if you are a small clan you can win some prices and the prices will be such that to increase exp, do clan battles etc and the more you do it the better the results would be. The rewards can just be some of the earlier event pokemons from mystery boxes or just randomly good pokemons we get for smaller contributions.

Lastly, we need a clan chat section just like we have for individual players who we follow or are friends with. Also there must be a clan notice board kind of a system like in Clash of Clans where the leaders, co-leaders have the ability to mail every player regarding various topics reagarding clan wars, exp training etc.


Hope instead of just dropping the depository, we have some other cool clan features. The game gets boring and lonely without friends constantly playing with you and once there will be clan events from the clan and the game, depository, chat box etc, we can actually cut this boredom of and make this game much more interesting for the players who don't use forums or discord to socialize in the game.

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8 minutes ago, omg414 said:

This is a great idea. To add on let's look at clan depository from a different angle. All this while we were just looking for ways and means to share multiple items in game. 

As it's clan depository... Why not we have a depository of multiple stats regarding the clan?

The stats could be something like this:

1) Exp contributed by all the 100 members in a form of pie chart. 

2) Total battles of members in a clan again could be represented with multiple charts.

3) Clan peak time. This chart could show when most of the members were active. They could be involved in catching, training or hunting. 

4) Compare our clan stats with other clan stats. Suppose there is a clan which is currently second place. We could compare the stats with the clan above them and one below them. This would exclusively for top 100 clans. Like how many points we are ahead of them or below them. 

5) To add on to my 4th point we should be able to have an option to compare the stats with another clan which we would like to compare. Just like how we all have access to local top trainers of any country we could probably have something like that.


Now let's think of how we can use the money collected in the depository. 

1) What if we had something like clan exp boost? Where in there would be a particular amount of pds fixed for this. When activated the whole clan could get 0.5× more exp than normal. It works as a clan exp boost. Here all members will come together as a clan and would train together. This is not coming for free as we could use the pds collected in depository to activate this. The time can be 30 minutes or an hour.

2) Similar to my 1st point above we could have something like spawn boost. Where in clan leaders could pick a particular variant and we could have a boost in the spawn of a variant for a particular time. 


the exp boost and spawn boost sounds a good idea as an event. We already had events where exp training rewards were increased, the spawn rate for UBs were tripled etc. we can have clan events like this every month so that the participation of dormant players will increase and they will be active for a time

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14 minutes ago, TheRessurectedOne said:

The clan tax thing is awesome. But what happens to the taxes you paid after you leave the clan or you are kicked out

I think the depository will act like a bank in which all the items, pokemons, pds are and if you need one you can have it according to the availability set.


What we can do with the pds or pokemons in the depository will be distributed as rewards to the highest contributors in total points, clan wins or exp points whichever the clan prioritizes


For example, A clan with a lot of clan battles wins can later incentivize the members to do exp training to gain exp and according to the exp points contributed, the rewards in the depository will be distributed. The rewards will be predetermined and the rewards there can have an availability set accordingly so that no one claims one of the rewards in the middle of the event.

What we also need is a clan event where few clan activities will reward the players with good pokemons, items etc. This clan event will shift everyones interest in the game to their clans and if not in one they will like to join it. If we have it before the depository is made available, this can seriously help the game to throw light on clan, clan depository etc. and increase its usage. We can have this event in such a way that even if you are a small clan you can win some prices and the prices will be such that to increase exp, do clan battles etc and the more you do it the better the results would be. The rewards can just be some of the earlier event pokemons from mystery boxes or just randomly good pokemons we get for smaller contributions.

Lastly, we need a clan chat section just like we have for individual players who we follow or are friends with. Also there must be a clan notice board kind of a system like in Clash of Clans where the leaders, co-leaders have the ability to mail every player regarding various topics reagarding clan wars, exp training etc.


Hope instead of just dropping the depository, we have some other cool clan features. The game gets boring and lonely without friends constantly playing with you and once there will be clan events from the clan and the game, depository, chat box etc, we can actually cut this boredom of and make this game much more interesting for the players who don't use forums or discord to socialize in the game.

I understand your point of view, in the case of clan events I don't really feel it's a good idea to implement an automatic clan reward system. When I refer to clan events I mostly mean community hosted events and such, all of which are possible to host via community apps such as discord. It's a shame for players who don't have access to those applications or refuse to use them as I feel they are missing out on being a part of the community. I like your post however and it's certainly something to take into consideration. ♡

As for what happens to the funds if a player were to leave the clan or be kicked, I imagine the funds would stay with the clan you contributed to because you need to actively choose to use that feature. If you get kicked from a clan or decide to leave there will always be a better community for you to join up with. If something like that happens and you contributed a significant amount via your activity, it hurts the clan your no longer a part of way more than the money invested until that point could ever hurt you. That's my opinion anyhow.


Just remember this post is for the utility use of the depository system. I'm definitely not looking for a clan system overhaul yet, though I do like the idea of using the depository for slice of life usage within a clan if we ever do get a more indepth rehaul.

Edited by Quintonboy1
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32 minutes ago, Quintonboy1 said:

I understand your point of view, in the case of clan events I don't really feel it's a good idea to implement an automatic clan reward system. When I refer to clan events I mostly mean community hosted events and such, all of which are possible to host via community apps such as discord. It's a shame for players who don't have access to those applications or refuse to use them as I feel they are missing out on being a part of the community. I like your post however and it's certainly something to take into consideration. ♡

As for what happens to the funds if a player were to leave the clan or be kicked, I imagine the funds would stay with the clan you contributed to because you need to actively choose to use that feature. If you get kicked from a clan or decide to leave there will always be a better community for you to join up with. If something like that happens and you contributed a significant amount via your activity, it hurts the clan your no longer a part of way more than the money invested until that point could ever hurt you. That's my opinion anyhow.


Just remember this post is for the utility use of the depository system. I'm definitely not looking for a clan system overhaul yet, though I do like the idea of using the depository for slice of life usage within a clan if we ever do get a more indepth rehaul.

the clan events for cbs we run re mostly done on discord and the rewards are preset so makes sense we have it like only. You are right the game generated event rewards makes no sense after i read it back


depository will be one hell of an addition and clan based events will surely be the one good reason to play back


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3 hours ago, omg414 said:

This is a great idea. To add on let's look at clan depository from a different angle. All this while we were just looking for ways and means to share multiple items in game. 

As it's clan depository... Why not we have a depository of multiple stats regarding the clan?

The stats could be something like this:

1) Exp contributed by all the 100 members in a form of pie chart. 

2) Total battles of members in a clan again could be represented with multiple charts.

3) Clan peak time. This chart could show when most of the members were active. They could be involved in catching, training or hunting. 

4) Compare our clan stats with other clan stats. Suppose there is a clan which is currently second place. We could compare the stats with the clan above them and one below them. This would exclusively for top 100 clans. Like how many points we are ahead of them or below them. 

5) To add on to my 4th point we should be able to have an option to compare the stats with another clan which we would like to compare. Just like how we all have access to local top trainers of any country we could probably have something like that.


Now let's think of how we can use the money collected in the depository. 

1) What if we had something like clan exp boost? Where in there would be a particular amount of pds fixed for this. When activated the whole clan could get 0.5× more exp than normal. It works as a clan exp boost. Here all members will come together as a clan and would train together. This is not coming for free as we could use the pds collected in depository to activate this. The time can be 30 minutes or an hour.

2) Similar to my 1st point above we could have something like spawn boost. Where in clan leaders could pick a particular variant and we could have a boost in the spawn of a variant for a particular time. 


To add on to my ideas again these are my ideas which I suggested few hours back ^
I forgot to add this which we discussed on Discord last night. 
Players would obviously want to save more pds and less people would want to donate for the clan depository. To motivate them and others there could be a section which could show the top members who have contributed. 

Clan hopping is another aspect. Also clan depository could become a hub of scams where they could ask the player to join the clan and they would have promised some amount and at the end the player would never get it. It can also become a way to evade the tax. In pokebay 10% is cut but in clan depository there is nothing cut. So, I feel we could have some kind of cool down on the transactions and once a member join the clan they should be in it for 7 days and have an activity of 8 hrs something like that. Would make it hard for clan hoppers and the tax evaders. 

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