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Dark Dex Quest

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I think it's time to open one of this. I'm trying to finish the obtainable dark dex and i'm close, so this is the easiest ways to do it.


1-1 unique for unique

3-4 uniques for a Normal Legendary

5-6 uniques for a Dark/Metallic/Mystic Legendary

7-8 uniques for a Shadow/Shiny Legendary

What i have for trade



Everything that is UFT



CelebiTornadusx3Ho-ohShaymin (Sky)ZapdosRaikouPalkiax2Genesectx2Virizionx2YveltalShayminx2Metallic ZapdosMetallic MespritMetallic YveltalMetallic MewMetallic GenesectMetallic Shaymin (Sky)Mystic GenesectMystic RotomMystic Xerneas (Active)Mystic Shaymin (Sky)Dark CelebiDark DarkrownDark YveltalDark LatiasDark TerrakionShadow LugiaShadow Xerneas (Active)Shadow EnteiShadow ZekromShiny Latiasx2Shiny Shaymin (Sky)Shiny ShayminShiny RegigigasShiny YveltalShiny RaikouShiny MewShiny Darkrai

What i Need



Dark BarboachDark BoldoreDark CarvanhaDark Castform (Fire)Dark ChinchouDark ClamperlDark DarumakaDark DoduoDark DuskullDark FroakieDark FrogadierDark Gallade (Mega)Dark GardevoirDark GastlyDark GengarDark Gastrodon (East)Dark Gastrodon (West)Dark GlalieDark Glalie (Mega)Dark GoldeenDark GolduckDark GreninjaDark GulpinDark HonedgeDark HorseaDark HoundourDark KirliaDark KlinkDark KrabbyDark LanturnDark LitwickDark MantykeDark NatuDark PelipperDark PiplupDark PolitoedDark PoliwhirlDark PoliwagDark PrinplupDark PsyduckDark RaltsDark SealeoDark SharpedoDark ShellderDark Shellos (East)Dark Shellos (West)Dark SnoruntDark SphealDark SurskitDark SwalotDark TogepiDark TorchicDark TotodileDark Unown (G)Dark VespiquenDark VoltorbDark WingullDark WoobatDark WooperDark Wormadam (Sand)Dark Pumpkaboo (Small)

My IGN is Malan. I can also offer exp if you want, 40k each unique.

Thanks for your help in my quest :D

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5 hours ago, EagerRhino said:

I want your Shadow Lugia for Dark ClamperlDark DoduoDark Castform (Fire)And Shiny Darkrai For Dark NatuDark DarumakaDark DrowzeeDark Gulpin Fine Rates.....

That's half of what my rates are, i can't accept

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2 hours ago, rishivojjala014-2 said:

i have a  Dark Finneonand  Dark%20Frillish.gif want your  Shadow%20Feebas.gif and Shadow%20Sableye.gif i have offered on your account :)
i dont  have a  Dark Krabby  but have it's evolved form  Dark%20Kingler.gif (level 100) do u want that too??

Accepted the Frillish! I already have a finneon so i had to decline. No tks, i don't need kingler :)

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