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Hello. Recently I have been scammed in a trust trade. was trading my account with ManeNs and he told his friend my password. his friend TheShroud. I think its a alt account. entire of my account pokemons were stolen and now I have nothing. the savage beast has even took my starter pokemon.(bye bye char) im writing this message for my dearest friend, Voidstar. I have enjoyed all my time here and I dont think I would come back anytime soon. Admins if you could help it would be great. Most people get scammed on couple pokemons and yet my entire account is stolen. now SAYONARA LOSERS✌️

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3 hours ago, 4q43ws6d5768o79 said:

Hello. Recently I have been scammed in a trust trade. was trading my account with ManeNs and he told his friend my password. his friend TheShroud. I think its a alt account. entire of my account pokemons were stolen and now I have nothing. the savage beast has even took my starter pokemon.(bye bye char) im writing this message for my dearest friend, Voidstar. I have enjoyed all my time here and I dont think I would come back anytime soon. Admins if you could help it would be great. Most people get scammed on couple pokemons and yet my entire account is stolen. now SAYONARA LOSERS✌️

Yeah, I've been hearing a lot lately about ManeNs scamming people.

I'm sorry to hear this happened to you and I hope you can get all your pokemon back.

I've also been doing a bit of investigating into this by tracking down the shiny Greninja (Ash) that I traded with 4q43ws6d5768o79 a while back and found it on an alternate account called desserted.

I'm including the following screenshots as proof:

The greninja I traded him:


Proof that the Greninja was mine:


When I traded him Greninja:


Proof he had Greninja when he was hacked:


Greninja on desserted's team:


I also checked ManeNs's profile and saw that he has an extremely mean thing on his bio so I thought I would mention it too:


Edited by Ken2k
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That sucks. I hope this never happens to anyone.

As for everyone else, please let this be an example of why you should NEVER give anyone your password under any circumstances. NEVER do anything like that. It's things like this that can happen. Trust trades are a risk. This is even more of a risk.
The fact this was an admitted trust trade, which is already frowned upon, but it was for an account, is a very big no-no.
Please take this as a lesson going forward.

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Update I have only one proof: the shroud had traded his bidoof for my entire team. probably ManeNs






the last one is the closet one I had to my closet team











more update and proof:







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