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Pokémon Vortex

Hunting shiny Pokemon for people!

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@Rimuz No cost unless you request for me to shiny hunt an ultra-beast or a legendary Pokémon. Also, another pointer is that I will not accept duplicate requests until the first request is complete so I won't be able to accept 2 shiny Charmander requests and work on both at the same time for that would be too time consuming. 

Edited by Red-panda
Wrong word
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1 hour ago, Tazz_ said:

id like 6 shiny toxel boys if possible


Edit: What is ur price for all vareints of charmander?

He said there is no price unless you want a legendary or ub

You need to listen @Tazz_

11 hours ago, Pikachu372 said:

Shiny Eevee plz

I already offered on shiny eevee @Pikachu372...sorry

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