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Rimuz last won the day on July 24 2023

Rimuz had the most liked content!


19 Good

About Rimuz

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  1. Ign Rimuz Fav poke mewtwo Starter charmender
  2. I have 2 question when your evolving your necrozma Into a necrozma duskman does it take away your solgaleo and if both of them have a name which one does it take and if solgaleo has a name and the necrozma doesn't will it keep the solgaleos name or will it stay nameless
  3. Thx for the give away and hope you have a great birthday Ign Rimuz Fav cake coffee cake
  4. The auction is named under dorlo right
  5. K Put the necrozma on the trade I'll put my pokemon there pay you and then you just need to accept the trade K
  6. So is it a deal or not? What else would you like for your necrozma metalic If it's not enough
  7. How about if I add a shiny moltres
  8. Would you trade your necrozma metalic for my shiny genesect aqua
  9. My fav poke is mewtwo normal I even collected 12 mewtwos Ign:rimuz thanks for the give away
  10. Willbtrade shiny moltres for shiny celebi
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