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Posts posted by 123Aman-2

  1. 16 hours ago, skyfame said:

    Ive offered Shiny Aggron (Mega)istead of Aggron (Mega). Kindly tell me how long it will take for u to train them?

    Wait you got no pokemons uft how can i offer?

    Okay  offer now... sorry for inconvenience :P 


  2. 2 hours ago, skyfame said:

    Can u train 1 million exp on my Aggron (Mega) for KyogreZygardeand Metallic Reshiram?

    Yeah Sure ... offer ur aggron on 123aman :) 

    1 hour ago, soulweeper616 said:

    Hello,is this thread still going? IF yes i have Dark Vivillon (Fancy) Vivillon (Pokeball) Vivillon (Fancy),would you train 16m (according to your rates) on my Shiny Gallade (Mega) ? 

    Yeah sure... offer it on 123aman :) 

  3. On Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 8:29 AM, Just Parky said:

    I'm also running an Off Forum Shiny Arceus Water Giveaway Here




    Winners: 1st Place @seth1129400

    2nd/3rd Place: @123Aman-2 & @MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr. 

    Please put a common pokemon up for trade Winners.




    1st Place: 1x Groudon Primal

    2nd / 3rd Place: 1x Groudon


    Will run for 48 hours!

    Comment your In game Name to enter!




    My unown is UFT in IGN-123aman ..... thank you soooooo Much ..... :)  (PS Subscribed also hope I will win :P )

  4. 7 hours ago, iceScreaM- said:


      Hide contents

    Dark CyndaquilDark FennekinMetallic AbraMetallic Chimchar

    Metallic PansearMetallic RaltsMystic PichuShadow Castform

    Shadow EeveeShiny InfernapeShiny Piplup



    hey these pokes choose any 1 unique legend that is UFT on IGN-simple_user ... 

    if I you like anything offer on it... I'll accept.. (instead of Groudon,Mewtwo,Rayquaza (s) ) :D 


    @iceScreaM- see this...

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