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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by SoupsMcNova

  1. well it's time to say goodbye, thanks vortex, you're like a family maybe i'll cya around in the future i'll probably stop by every once in awhile 


    thanks for Everything

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pangalan


      bye!! see you in heaven

    3. Haxor69


      The fact that the last thing you did before leaving discord was to kick me. Heh

    4. seth1129400


      lol, bye man , cya soon ;) 

  2. Guys I have a very important message I want to ask you all this might sound a bit weird well not weird but something you might think "wait what?" probably cause you're still reading this but anyways here it is.............................................................................................................................................Hi

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SoupsMcNova


      それは良い <3
    3. AkoNeePlays




    4. SoupsMcNova



  3. What event are you guys hoping for, for the Halloween event (if there is one)?

  4. " I'm Black, I don't need to try hard"



               *quote of the year*

    1. Fire


      I think it was


      'how can I be a tryhard when I'm black'



  5. I'm still on 679 SQ battles someone, Hype Me Up! give me some hype

  6. t( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/

  7. I don't trade them away I just wait for them when ever they have time then give them to the winner so no need to worry
  8. welp my giveaway is up and running go join now!

  9. Welcome to my 5th giveaway! *note the reason this is a "mini-giveaway" is that when I usually do giveaways I giveaway a lot of good events and this event barely has any good events*. Rules: The Winners are: The prizes are: Kyurems(Events): + Pikachu(Cosplays/Events): +++ Zygarde(Event/Normal): ++x2 + Shadow Zygarde *Image doesn't want to work too ugly I guess* Arceus (normal): +
  10. IGN: SoupsMcNova thanks for the giveaway
  11. It's been awhile since i did a giveaway so giveaway tomorrow stay tuned!

  12. going to be sending all my stuff to my old profile i'll be moving everything back to SoupsMcNova later on

  13. this event is going to tear me a new one >_>

    1. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
    2. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
    3. SoupsMcNova


      doing all the side quests over again is going to be a pain

  14. I just realized no matter what song you're listening to, the ditto on my profile matches it with it's sick moves.

  15. *is still lurking*

  16. how's it going?

    1. Haxor69


      Good question, hard to answer. :x 

    2. 123Aman-2
  17. I've decided in-game to add the number of legendary pokemon I've passed today onto my profile comments... to try and give myself a lesson to walk with a bit more caution next time so come check out the number of legends I've passed

    1. SoupsMcNova


      How's it going?! B|

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