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Status Updates posted by Auke1993

  1. I will have my video covering the Meloetta event Premiering in 2 hours.
    It should cover just about everything there is, including helpful tips on how to effectively train happiness on a full team of Pokémon (such as Igglybuff).
    I hope people will find it informative and helpful.

  2. I've updated my BabyQuilava account to be more optimized to train happiness against.
    I will show off how to effectively use it in the Vortex video that will Premiere later today.

  3. I've set up my BabyQuilava account as an easy account to train happiness against. Use one of your Pokémon per one of theirs, and all 6 of your Pokémon will gain happiness points from that battle.
    This is especially useful to train Igglybuff for the upcoming Meloetta event.

  4. I've been having a lot more fun playing Pokémon Vortex lately, and with that has come more motivation to make Vortex videos.
    I already have a few ideas for upcoming videos.
    1. Beginner-friendly tutorial of some basic Vortex features.
    2. Meloetta event
    3. Evolving/training for my Pokédex
    4. More

  5. I have an hour-long Star Wars hunt starting in just under 30 minutes from now.
    Come join me in trying to find these event Pokémon!


  6. I was already hunting for Geodude (Alolan) anyway, so I will start my Star Wars hunt in the Upper Steelmouth Power Plant.
    I am not recording yet (will do that later, and will let you know when/where), but feel free to come hunt with me.

  7. Pokémon Vortex received a content update yesterday.

    Here are the details.


  8. I will be recording and uploading a video today about the Pokémon Vortex content update we got yesterday.
    However, as it partially involves things from Legends: Arceus, I won't go into the details of it much, especially the Legends: Arceus parts of it.
    The reason for that is that I haven't played the game yet. I intend to start playing it in a few weeks from now.
    I hope you can understand that, and that you will keep my chat, replies, comments, etc. spoiler free.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vNeonX


      Have you not seen the meloetta (pirouette) event details on discord?


      its an upcoming event 

    3. Auke1993


      Ah, it's an upcoming one, okay.
      No details of it have been announced for that as far as I can tell, so there isn't much for me to talk about yet.

    4. vNeonX


      okay np bro.


  9. When I record a Pokémon Vrtex video on the 4th of May, during the Star Wars event, which of the Star Wars Pokémon would you like to see me hunting for in the video?

    (I will still hunt for the rest throughout the day, just not in the video itself)

  10. Pokémon Vortex is getting a new event.

    Let's talk about it.


  11. If I were to record a new Pokémon Vortex video today, what would you like to see?

    1. Captaincam1


      Maybe like a shiny starter hunt lol

    2. Auke1993


      That could be a nice idea.
      I did to a hunt for a Shiny Heatran recently. Although more rare, it'd be similar to something I'd done recently, so I may put that idea on hold for a bit.

  12. A second Pokémon Vortex video in a week?

    Let's go!


  13. The sprite for Mystic Haunter isn't showing in my game.
    I noticed it in a Clan Battle first. I noticed it was also missing from my Pokémon collection.
    The Pokémon and its information are there, but there is no sprite showing for Mystic Haunter.
    Is anyone else seeing this (or not seeing this)?

    1. Auke1993


      It might have just needed some extra time to load, as I see it in my collection now.

  14. A new Pokémon Vortex video has been scheduled for tomorrow, 6pm GMT+2 (which is 12pm Eastern US time).


  15. Time to record a new Pokémon Vortex video, maybe even two.
    It's been a long time.

  16. My Pokémon videos have been doing super well lately, and I'm really proud of it. Multiple new people have been commenting and requesting teams. My latest Pokémon stream has done really well too, with many new people coming in, and more people actively chatting. Even someone who only chatted in Spanish. We basically chatted using Google Translate. That was interesting.

  17. I got a Quilava as my daily log-in reward!
    That's my favourite Pokémon!

    1. Captaincam1
    2. Lethal_Entity


      the next evolution of quilava is my all time fav poke 😁

    3. Ninjeguy090


      That nice hope one day I’ll wake up to see a Greninja in daily log in

  18. To those that are helping me complete the Pokédex even though I haven't posted Vortex videos lately, I appreciate you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. silverstar2202


      I dont have any of them can you offer on my pokemon please i dont have legend doubles now

    3. Auke1993


      As this is unrelated to my status update, and is only between the two of you, could you please take this to private messages?

    4. silverstar2202


      Sorry auke yeah i can do that 

  19. Make sure you remember: You are worth it.

  20. The Trade Battle in Pokémon Battle Revolution is a fun challenge.

    Let's take it on.


  21. Pokémon Battle Revolution is back!

    Time to use these new teams and show Pokétopia what we can do!


  22. Hello GagingSlowbro,

    You seemed to really want to know when my next livestream would be.
    I'm happy to inform you I will be starting my next stream in a few minutes from now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Auke1993


      The stream will take place on Twitch.


    3. GagingSlowbro


      Why do I need to sign in to twitch?

    4. Auke1993


      To chat you need to, but you should still be able to watch.

  23. I'm going to give Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel a try on stream today.

  24. What if you wanted to just explode?
    Just tell your Pokémon to go kaboom, and then you win? It's easy, right?


  25. My partner is setting everything on fire. Help.


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