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Everything posted by ZachKingGaming

  1. Hey Patrick I understand you are the owner of pokemon vortex.

    I would like to have my ban undone as i have not played this game since about a year or 2 ago and i had a lot of legendaries. Also could you clarify why my account was banned, was it due to inactivity?


    Edit: my ign is the same as my display name here. Thanks in advance

  2. Pm me we can discuss rates also depends on what leggies and if they are shadow dark and whatever
  3. I will Train your pokemons exp (amount negotiable for each pokemon) I want most legandary In any form Pm me acc name ZachKing10 or comment
  4. i used to have an old account I dont know its username but its email is zdmalta@gmail.com is there any way to recover it might also know the password too
  5. Ive been doing the sidequest and ive done about 40 and i ahvent goten any rewards but in the forums it says u will get items each time?
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