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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by Tyheamma

  1. I have a few top pokemon.

    Shiny StunfiskShadow Nidoking are probably my best two. Stunfisk is at 7.3mil and Nidking around 3mil.


    Good idea for a thread, maybe just add a little more of an explanation as I think some members are getting confused between top; with regards to exp, and top as in, "their favourite/best". :)

  2. Whilst "deleting" someones account may sound like an easy task, it's a little more complex, I imagine, than just simply removing something. There's a lot of history and data to take into consideration.


    As has been mentioned several times, changes like this will be happening before and during the beginning of v4. A lot of things are being worked on, and this is one of them. 


    Just hold tight for now.

  3. I'm not sure this is the best idea. As Sneezeball pointed out, we have few members who have another language other than English as their first, who frequent the server. Also, it would require moderators to make sure nothing fishy was going on. :ph34r: Pretty sure none of us speak another language fluently enough, and I'm sure not translating every line of text lol.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Whilst I understand where you are coming from, I'm not too sure this would be a great idea. I'd love to find legends more easily because they hate and avoid me, but at the same time they are practically worth nothing when trading and that's frustrating. Making them easier to find would only serve to lower their value even more.


    However, I'm all for an increased chance to find uniques. ;) Like a shiny charm sorta thing.

    • Upvote 1
  5. On 6/7/2017 at 8:07 PM, GodsWithin said:

    100 and have a mundane life, mundane is relative and honestly I'd be fine living 100 boring years as long as I have enough money and stuffs and don't have to worry about much.


    Would you rather know the exact date and time of your death or how you die?


    I'd rather know when so I could mentally prepare myself. I think I'd live every single day in fear if I knew how, unless it was death by old age lol.


    Would you rather have the love of your life, or the house of your dreams?

  6. Vortex Goalz


    Seeing as everyone plays the game differently, I'm curious: what are your goals on Vortex? Share your goals and achievements here! How do you play the game, what do you strive to achieve? Why not share some hints and tips about how you play. :D


    My long term goals on Vortex are to complete the Pokedex and train every single pokemon to 1mil. With my favourites to 20mil.

    My short term goals are training my adorable stunfisk to 10mil and completing the shadow dex.


    I'm trying to get into trading more in order to complete the dex, and using my stunfisk when training pokemon up to level 100. That way he's gaining exp whilst my others grow too.


    So, please share your own.

    Shiny Stunfisk

    • Upvote 4
  7. 9 hours ago, KYNO said:



    Would you rather like to ride on pidgeot's back or would you ride on  rhyhorn's back ?


    A rhyhorn because I'm scared of flying. These pokemon rathers, ugh. :P


    Would you rather have one more day to live, but it'd be the best day imaginable carrying out all your favourite things with those you love, or live until you are 100 but lead a very mundane life?

  8. Which power would you like thunder(lighting)or clairvoyant ?


    I'd rather have lightning powers, because there are a lot of people in this world that I would like to strike. :D


    Would you rather be a fish or a bird?

  9. @eurstin and @trybtry please do not argue on the forums. If people do not trust this user or the thread, then they do not have to post on it or use his services. If you think that somebody is breaking the rules, report them rather than starting an argument here. This thread / part of the forums is for trading, not discussing cheaters or how trust worthy someone is.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Nutella Navigator said:

    A perfect world would be one without pollution, no one has to suffer, no terrorism, no corrupt politicians, but among all, I would love IF the world became as one, world peace. 


    @Tyheamma Interesting idea. Might make an essay about this before school starts, and would be proud to share it with you guyth. 


    That would be lovely. I was planning on writing a lot more myself, but just wanted to release the thread before I had to go for the day. I'll probably work on it a bit more when I get the time.


    Also, I think it's interesting how nobody else has taken a light hearted approach (other than the Pokemon reponses) and has really got down to the serious "real world" problems. Some peoples ideas of "perfect" are simple, but so complex concurently. Good stuff guys. :D (Most of you!)

  11. My Perfect World


    At the moment, this world seems to be filled with so much sadness. Every time you turn on the TV, you're greeted with a depressing horror story. Sometimes, I like to imagine what the world would be like if it was "perfect", by my definition of course. :D Here's your chance to share your own definition of what would make a "perfect world". Feel free to be as creative (or as silly) as you like. Describe who would be the leader(s), what laws would be in place, what would the climate be like? Is there any culture? Feel free to be critical of other people's ideals. Why wouldn't that work? How is that ridiculous?


    Here's mine:

    In my perfect world I would be Queen and have unlimited cash. I'd live in a giant castle and everyone would have to do as I say. The world would be full of animals that are super cute such as puppies, kittens, rats, tigers and seels but they would all be completely tame and interact with humans. Day jobs would be unnecessary with people spending their time doing what they love, such as pursuing creative talents or travelling. It would be hot and sunny all of the time, apart from Christmas, where there would be several inches of snow. Everybody in the world would have to buy everyone else a present. There would be pink trees and flowers everywhere, and houses would be adorable cottages. Finally, there would be androids that did all the awful jobs and they would do so with a robotic smile. ;) 



    This is supposed to be positive and fun so please keep real world politics and religious slander to a minimum. Also, as always, make sure your post is in line with the global forums rules.

    • Upvote 2
  12. I think I'd rather choose the lizards, because I quite like mice and I imagine they'd be too easy to squash if you bathed with them. A squashed mice bath does not sound too pleasant. I think lizards could just squirm out of the way.


    Would you rather have to eat your favourite food every day for the rest of your life, or never be able to eat it again?


    (Also, guys, please remember to stick to the rules. Keep these questions interesting and relatively sensible.)

  13. Just because someone else does it, doesn't mean that you can. You are well aware the rules say no double posting and other threads are being cleaned up as fast as I can manage. Some have been that way for weeks. I've deleted most of the off-topic posts here, so your trade thread is 'less ruined'. Now please stop replying / arguing regarding this issue and just carry on with your trades whilst following the rules.

  14. Would you rather want v4 to be released today or a free donation pokemon? 

    I'd rather have a free donation pokemon because I'm super greedy and thirsty for donation pokemanz. :x


    Would you rather have an amazing house but a terrible car, or a super-expensive car and live in a shed?

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