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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Neon_Panther

  1. yes night time on server is over so i'll have to wait another hour to search for Normal Dratinilic
  2. you got to calculate in time for searching, it's the same as training exp. So if you don't want to any orders that's fine, just leave
  3. Hey mate, nobody stops you doing it for cheaper so as long as you don't do it cheaper you can shut up
  4. Offering to hunt any Legendary pokemon for you. Payments to be made on pokeballs i put on auction (i will never use a different account) after i catch you order. (no fees up front) I will provide you with the auction ID when the time arrives Prizes: - Normal 300k - Shiny 1M - Dark 500k - Mystic 500k - Metallic 500k - Shadow 1M Current open order: None Last 10 Completed Orders: TheBakedPotato: Normal Dratinilic (July 24th) approx. 3 hours DM me IGN: Marty_V2.0 IMPORTANT: i reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and for any reason i see fit
  5. no proof of the original arrangement, so nothing will be done
  6. no proof of the original agreement, mods won't be able to do anything
  7. there's no proof there, just a very confusing conversation. No agreements or anything.
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