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Everything posted by Sage_Unu

  1. G'day Mate! I offered 15 of the level 6 Pokemon you wanted for the I'd like to thank you too because on my search I got x2x2 when you come back and see this just know you have my greatest gratitude!
  2. Oh I wasn’t going to accept only 500k for two very rare shiny starters-
  3. Okay! It might take a few to figure out your fee!
  4. I will catch Most Pokemon for Pds. I would like to Thank @Shiny_Sylveon for this amazing Idea! First some rules: I DO NOT catch ultra beasts, I don't have the money for beastballs or the time to try and get one. but I catch legandarys! The People who respond before others will get there Pokemon before people who respond after no matter if the later request is easier to catch. I can any variant, but please remember you must have the money for it! I will ignore anyone who Begs for free Pokemon or Tries to lower the price I can add names but with a 20k extra fee I take my prices of the recent ongoning poke bay prices Example: Say you want me to catch a and for me to name it Poppy the average price would be 50k I would reduce the price by 10% which would be 45k then I would add the price of the name which would be 20k that would be a total of 65k. current status: 😴 currently fufilling request: @Nishkar Wait list: @red_wolf_
  5. Guys! Don't do this he apparently scammed mutable people!
  6. Trading eeveex5 Munchlaxx3 metallic munchlaxriolu

    I have 5 WHOLE EEvEEs SomEoNe oFfEr For OnE ; w ;

  7. Sage_Unu


    e YAS 70thed reply!
  8. hm I'm sorry but a liten has a higher demand than a feniken. so I will pass.
  9. just say the name of the Pokemon ill look it up if I have to
  10. I'll go with 400k put a trashmon up and Ill put a poke ball for auction.
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