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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Xeon101

  1. The Second Round of Prizes: Sorry that the prizes are a bit rubbish today, its the calm before the storm I guess... @Evildrcrocs won @BIVANBLAZE13 won @kaylee000 won @ShinyGmaxPokemon won @QUANTUM__SeaSoNals won @Friendsfromfuture won You can expect better prizes tomorrow...
  2. Thanks so much! I've always wanted shadow/shiny mega rayquaza.
  3. The first round of prizes is out! @Dqrk won @Pokechampionpikachu won @aletaho won @Aye-o-a-Sylveon won @SofiX won @Ade50 won @TheBakedPotato won @sanathandsaathvik won @TobyKetchup won @inferno4life won @Blue_SLime won congratulations to all the winners! Stay updated for the next round of prizes tomorrow, and don't worry, I will make sure that everyone gets something.
  4. IGN- xeon101 sushi legend stars
  5. I should probably explain how the prizes will be given out. Because there are so many, I have split the prizes into multiple 'rounds' to break them up. The first lot will be awarded the day after tomorrow, consisting of the starters and megas. On the second of August evolutions (e.g. shiny altaria) will be given out. On the third, event pokemon and rares will be distributed. On the Fourth, legendaries will be won. And on the Fifth of August, the Ultra-beasts + Lunala will be handed out. On the final day, the 6th, all of the experience and pokedollars will be awarded and the giveaway will be officially over.
  6. Wow this is amazing! So many great prizes. IGN Xeon101, Country of the United Kingdom
  7. of course I won't be gone forever though I will still be on now and then to chat
  8. Dear all, I am hosting a giveaway for the final time because I will be leaving this game. I have put in many hours of grinding over the past months, and me and my friend @Evildrcrocs have grown a bit tired of all the repetitive playing (I am not saying the game is bad in any way). I am also leaving because of stuff irl, and I just don't have enough time to put into the game. Don't worry, I will still be online every now and then if anyone wants to chat. Because I will most likely not be properly playing any more, I will be giving away most of my money, exp and pokes. The ones in my team and some special things not listed here will go to certain friends however. GIVEAWAY ENDS AUGUST 6! Here are the Prizes: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 1 mil exp of immunes, 1 mil exp of immunes, 1 mil exp of immunes, 1 mil exp of immunes, 1 mil exp of immunes, 1 mil pds, 1 mil pds, 1 mil pds, 1 mil pds, 1 mil pds, 3 mil pds, 3 mil pds. To enter make sure you are following my friends (either on forums or in-game) evildrcrocs and kyogreisthebeast, they are amazing people to talk to and good friends if you win more than 20 pokes (e.g you win 3 mil exp of immunes, you will need to put 2 (or more) pokemon up for trade. You could always follow me too. Hope you enjoy the game as much as I have 🥲. Goodbye and see you soon.
  9. I have but I'm not too interested in any of the pokemon you are offering. Do you have any others of similar value you are willing to offer?
  10. Sorry for not making it clear enough, but the winners have already been decided since all the first five people have already replied. But I'll give the four people who replied after I announced it closed, that being @Adi09, @blood7411, @inferno4life and @eeveecuteness a free level 6 immune (onix/deino). They have been put up for trade.
  11. The pokemon have been put up for trade on my account, Xeon101. Enjoy your prizes!
  12. Hi everyone, I have decided to do another giveaway. This giveaway will be first come, first serve, meaning that the first person to reply will receive the first prize, second person will receive second, and so on. The prizes are, in order of replying: . REPLY BELOW NOW WITH YOUR IGN! | | QUICK!! | | \/
  13. The pokemon you have in your team is up to you, but legendries and ultra beasts have a wider range of attacks. It also helps if you have variants like mystic or shiny, as these are rarer, more valuable and better in a fight, e.g. dark does more damage. Buying attacks is helpful. is good because one of its default attacks, v-create, does over 400 damage. Having a mix of different types in your team is useful too. Hope this helps.
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