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About Braixen_Gamr

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  1. How do i get a z-ring

  2. why can't my Eevee evolve into umbreon?

    1. Fierce-Fox


      I can help with umbreon

    2. Braixen_Gamr


      If i press the evolve button it shows every single evolution with the text "evolve" under it except Umbreon. What do i do? 🤔

  3. how do you trade all your pokemon to from your old account to your new account
  4. wy ihave neva evolvd my eevy  

    1. Braixen_Gamr


      my eevee has over 3 harts and i hav a stone and [to get umbreon you play at rl nitetime or ingame nitetime if its ingame nite it wont work😑

  5. all my pokemon status654MS.png

    1. Braixen_Gamr


      Delphox levl 92 sunny (buneary) lvl 32 meowstic m lvl 47 nickit lvl 13 zorua lvl 8 eevee lvl 39 eevee

  6. ive played poketex for a while now but the reasen ive never evolved my eevee is bucuse i want to evolve it into An UMbreon but... wenever i try to to evolve it i got it at daytime ROUTE 3 an got a moonstone bUT it still does NOT work it says i can eVOLve iT into evry other evolutin
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